Page 42 - MetalForming February 2016
P. 42
The Science of Forming
Both have the same 350-MPa (50- ksi) yield strength but a different tensile strength. During deformation, the DP material exhibits a strong interaction between the ferrite phase and the islands of martensite. This generates an increase in the instantaneous n-value curve that peaks at 3-percent engi- neering strain with an n-value of 0.20,
compared to an n-value of 0.13 for HSLA 350/450. This higher initial n- value increases the stress-strain curve for the DP steel, generating a higher tensile strength. At a strain of 8 percent, the DP steel has exhausted its n-value advantage and the two steels exhibit the same properties.
• What benefit is gained with the
higher n-values at such low strains?
Many parts have areas of localized high deformation called gradients, which contain zones of high stress that create narrow peaks of large deforma- tion. Examples include long character lines, raised channels and localized tight bends. To comply with constancy- of-volume rules, high surface strains also create a corresponding narrow zone of local thinning. Tearing or other failure modes occur early from this forming process. High n-values accel- erate workhardening in these high- strain zones that shut down the gradi- ents as forming begins. DP steels are designed to deal with this gradient problem.
• What are the current primary applications for DP steels?
We find DP steels incorporated into the design of the passenger compart- ment, to absorb crash energy.
• The traditional n-values and forming-limit curves (FLCs) with ini- tial high n-values for DP 350/600 are similar to those for HSLA 350/450. Why?
The higher instantaneous n-value for DP steel is exhausted by a strain of 8 percent. The traditional measure- ment range for n-values is from 10 to 20-percent strain. Therefore, the two steels will have the same values. Like- wise, the FLC depends highly on the terminal n-value just prior to local necking and failure. Again, the two steels will exhibit the same terminal n-values.
• Does the DP steel have a series of steel grades with increased yield- and tensile-strength stress-strain curves similar to HSLA steels?
Yes. Nine DP grades have been pro- duced, as described in “Advanced High- Strength Steels Application Guidelines, Version 5.0.” It’s available as a free download from www.worldau- In addition to the 250-page guidelines, website visitors also can download another document contain- ing details for 12 case studies describ- ing use of AHSS. MF
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MetalForming/February 2016