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properties, and chemistry specifically for additive manufacturing. Type 304L stainless steel is the initial build material.
and to eventually offer a professional certificate program for design- ers and engineers. Ed Tackett, formerly the director of the RapidTech Center at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, has joined the AMCC as director of educational programs.
“We look at how process parameters affect the mechanical prop- erties of the manufactured part and how to control those param- eters to achieve desired properties,” says Missouri S&T’s Dr. Ming Leu, who is leading the study. “The laser’s power, the beam diam- eter, the traverse speed, the line spacing and the layer thickness all can affect the parts produced.”
Missouri University of Science and Technology:
UL’s experience with metals manufacturing dates back more than 20 years, when it established an on-campus Rapid Prototyping Cen- ter (in 1993) and became the first U.S. university to purchase selec- tive laser sintering (SLS) equipment for additive manufacturing. UL Additive Manufacturing Competency Center: manufacturing
Louisville Welcomes
3D Printing Training Center
Optomec Elects Former Broadcom Chair to Board of Directors
The University of Louisville (UL) is home to a new advanced- manufacturing training center focused on additive manufactur- ing. The UL Additive Manufacturing Competency Center (AMCC) promises to be a hub for students and professionals to gain train- ing in 3D printing and advanced manufacturing for metals.
Optomec, Albuquerque, NM, a supplier of production-grade addi- tive manufacturing systems for 3D-printed metals, announced that John E. Major, former chairman of the board and lead independ- ent director at semiconductor manufacturer Broadcom, has been elected to Optomec’s board of directors. “John’s extensive back- ground in the wireless and semiconductor industries will be invalu- able to Optomec as we look to increase adoption in these target end- markets,” says Dave Ramahi, Optomec president and CEO. Optomec:
The initial course offering of the 10,000-sq.ft. center: Advanced Training on Metal Part Production. The course provides a five-day primer on the fundamentals of additive-manufacturing materials. Students also will design and build 3D-printed metal parts. The AMCC expects to develop additional courses during the next year,
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MetalForming/June 2016 15