Page 8 - MetalForming June 2016
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News Fronts
Design, Assembly and Robotic Welding; Welding Codes, Specifications and Safety; Laser Welding; Instructional Design and Teaching Strate- gies; and Non-Destructive Testing. Each workshop encompasses five days of comprehensive training, and participants earn four continu- ing-education units and 40 professional-development hours. Detailed descriptions, locations and registration for the professional-development workshops can be found at
tors understand the numerous career pathways in the indus- try, how NIMS credentials help ensure skills at a variety of lev- els, and how they can be earned to enter and advance in careers.
industry standards and direct- ly linked to nationally recog- nized credentials; and stu- dents can use it to plan their career path by learning what credentials fit their personal career goals and to better translate their respective skills sets developed in their train- ing program.
Weld-Ed Announces Welding-Training Workshops
The National Center for Welding Education and Train- ing (Weld-Ed), located at Lorain County Community Col- lege in Ohio, has announced its 2016 professional-develop- ment workshop series, which includes seven key state-of- the-art training modules designed exclusively for weld- ing educators and industrial trainers. The hands-on instruc- tional workshops offer welding educators interactive training conducted throughout the summer at teaching facilities located throughout the United States.
NIMS, providing training and skill validation in preci- sion manufacturing, offers more than 50 credentials that verify skills in a variety of job functions and processes. The Career Pathway Tool guides users in learning how these credentials relate to the spe- cific jobs and skills in demand across the industry.
To access the NIMS Career Pathway Tool, visit www.nim-
The seven workshop mod- ules: Welding Metallurgy; Join- ing and Cutting Processes;
The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) has created the NIMS Career Pathway Tool to help employ- ers, job seekers and educa-
Lee Spring, Brooklyn, NY, a provider of stock and custom springs, has purchased Clark Spring located in Hayward, CA.
NIMS Online Tool Connects Competencies to Credentials to Careers
According to NIMS officials, employers can use the tool to enhance hiring practices, develop better job postings and incorporate NIMS creden- tials into training operations; educators can use it to design their curriculum, aligned with
Lee Spring Acquires Clark Spring & Mfg.
“Eric Eckberg (president of Clark Spring) has built a strong company over the last
SensoNODETM Blue sensors and SCOUTTM Mobile software deliver a powerful wireless diagnostics and condition monitoring solution rooted in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which provides machine operators and plant maintenance with a picture of their asset’s performance.
SensoNODETM Blue Sensors and SCOUTTM Mobile Software
Identify issues before they escalate D e c r r e e a a s e e m m m a i nt e e n a n c e e c c o s t s s Reduce downtime
ee Sensor T
MetalForming/June 2016