Page 13 - MetalForming July 2016
P. 13
Hornos de Mexico, S.A. was elected to the AISI board, as was Maximo Vedoya, CEO of Ternium Mexico.
turing the typical car body. T. J. Snow Co. is a family-
experience, but also a very professional approach to busi- ness with his unique experi- ence as both a CPA and a lawyer,” says Clay Jackson, for- mer president of Small Parts, Inc., who will assume the role of Metals Group president with MPI after a transition period.
joined Bunting Magnetics in 2011 as CFO. The company provides line metal detection and magnetic separation as well as material-handling equipment.
CEO of T.J. Snow Named Chair of AWS Committee
owned manufacturer and dis- tributor of resistance-welding machinery, accessories and supplies. In addition, the com- pany offers welder and control service and process training.
Mayfran International, Cleveland, OH, a manufactur- er conveying systems for a variety of industries, has appointed Frank Sraj to chief operating officer. The compa- ny seeks to expand its market share in the machine-tool industry as well as to strength- en its position as a supplier to the solid-waste and material- handling industries, and Sraj is expected to play a major role in meeting these goals. Sraj, who had been vice presi- dent of sales and marketing at Mayfran International, has more than 30 years’ experi- ence in manufacturing and customer relations.
Tom Snow, CEO of T. J. Snow Co., Chattanooga, TN, has been named chairman of the Resistance Welding Manu- facturing Alliance (RWMA), a standing committee of the American Welding Society (AWS).
Coe Press Equipment, Ster- ling Heights, MI, has appoint- ed Ed Wynn regional sales manager, based out of the Greater Chicago, IL, area. Besides being responsible for sales development in his terri- tory, Wynn will focus on pro- moting the company’s CTL- Master value-added cut-to-length lines.
News Fronts
With more than 70 mem- ber companies throughout the United States and worldwide, the RWMA has a mission to advance resistance-welding technology and to promote use of the process. Resistance spot welding is widely used in the automotive and appliance industries, with 4000-6000 spot welds used in manufac-
Small Parts, Inc., Logans- port, IN, a stamper of metal parts and electrical compo- nents, has hired Matthew Lesher as president and COO. He previously was COO of Sil- ver Towne, LP, Winchester, IN. “Matt is an individual with the skills and character to help us continue to build the business and enrich lives,” says Clay Barnes, president and CEO of MPI Corp., the parent compa- ny of Small Parts, Inc. “He not only brings manufacturing
Bunting Magnetics Co., Newton, KS, has promoted Jana Davis to COO, a new position within the company, effective May 30, 2016. Davis