Page 26 - MetalForming November 2016
P. 26
Bobbie Blanton
Die Cad Group Grand Rapids, MI
Bobbie was nominated multiple times, testament to the respect she’s earned from her peers. Under her leader- ship, Die Cad Group has boasted an incredible turnaround, with sales grow- ing and more than 20 employees in two locations focused on metalforming simu- lation and die design. The working envi- ronment at Die Cad Group, with Bobbie at the helm, “is a truly positive place to be,” offers one nominator. “Bobbie gen- uinely cares about her employees well- being and is continually offering oppor- tunities for advancement.”
Active in a variety of local causes, Bobbie brings her can-do attitude both in and out of the office. And known for her open-door policy when it comes to employee needs, she represents what a self-starting, focused woman can accomplish in a predominately male company and industry, according to another nominator.
“Manufacturing careers are a large part of the world’s economy and the cor- nerstone of innovation. Women often need to feel fulfilled in their careers and manufacturing is a career that can be very interesting and rewarding. The careers available in the manufacturing sector are unlimited. In addition, they pay well and provide good benefits. Women currently only represent 27 per- cent of the manufacturing workforce; therefore, the sky is the limit for women to obtain jobs and become successful!”
Brianne Murphy
Marketing and Digital Media Specialist Longterm Technology Services Inc. London, Ontario, Canada
Brianne has been instrumental in set- ting up academic initiatives to connect industry with universities and colleges so that students have access to premium CAD/CAM/CAE software. Her efforts have secured the nomination of consult- ing firm Longterm Technology Services for Techcellence Awards in the Commu- nity Engagement category.
As a former college professor, Brianne burst on to the scene, bringing her expertise to the industry to help fill the skills gap. Brianne organizes training and conducts guest lectures, webinars and seminars. She arranges student tours of shop floors, and organizes company vis- its to classrooms to demonstrate current industry projects and expose students to career paths and the latest technology. She attends Technology Days and her passion helps promote MFG Day to encourage the public, governments, guidance counsellors, students and par- ents to reframe perceptions on manufac- turing.
“One word: Variety. There are so many exciting and challenging career paths available. With opportunities for advancement, these high-tech and high- paying roles are unlimited. Manufactur- ing careers are rewarding and interest- ing, while fostering creativity and critical thinking. There are opportunities to trav- el and connect with a variety of people in the industry. You’ll also have the inside scoop on technology and the latest trends.”
Sharona Dreymann
Client Relations Manager, Special Projects
Principal Manufacturing Corp. Broadview, IL
A driver of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction at Principal Manufacturing Corp., Sharona has been a strong voice for its customers. She has reconfigured the company’s customer- service department to be 100-percent customer-focused and has instilled a whatever-it-takes attitude throughout Principal. Sharona also was a key player in implementing the company’s Plex ERP systems and continues to implement new modules such as project manage- ment and tooling maintenance. Involved in Women in Manufacturing and other industry organizations, Sharona also is set to earn a bachelor's degree in Operations Management by year’s end. She has pursued her degree at night and on weekends while work- ing close to 50 hr./week.
Sharona pushes her organization to improve every day, serving as a cham- pion for customers while simultane- ously working to improve the compa- ny’s systems.
“There is so much about manufactur- ing that I love and find inspiring: technol- ogy, innovation and speed to market to name a few. I know we can be working on a new product today that can be in a vehicle by next week. This has been, and continues to be, a very rewarding career, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.”
S6 MetalForming/November 2016