Page 24 - MetalForming December 2016
P. 24
Line Automation
rather than running all over the line trying to figure out what screen to look at.”
Mind Control Platforms, Integration During Quoting
As Eby points out, a single commu-
nication protocol with line components
employing identical control processors
Beyond that, what should metalformers
consider when contemplating addi- tions to an existing press line?
“When buying new equipment for
a press line, do your best to buy equip-
ment with matching control platforms
(PLCs, HMIs, drives, etc.),” he explains.
“Ask for specific manufacturers and
model numbers of equipment in order
party for technical assistance if you don’t have the needed technical expert- ise inhouse. Diligence on the front end in ensuring commonality across the line will help when it comes to keeping common spare parts, ensuring smooth line communications, and easing maintenance upon run-off and after the manufacturer/integrator has left your plant.”
Eby also recommends considering the age and condition of existing con- trols that must be tied together with new equipment.
“Just because a piece of equipment works does not mean that it will inte- grate cleanly,” he says. “Many times, stampers purchase nice equipment and link it to a line with controls that have been obsolete for years, with hard- ly any wire numbers left and electrical blueprints that don’t match the setup because all of that information was in the head of the engineering old-timer who retired.”
Eby recalls one metalformer that upgraded a few presses while adding feed lines. The old presses employed relatively ancient eddy-current drives that lacked documentation, and per- sonnel were not well-versed in serv- icing them. By replacing these units with new AC drives, the old, undocu- mented relay logics and wiring were eliminated, allowing for better feed- line and press operation, and improved serviceability.
As for integration itself, Eby recom- mends going over quotes with a fine- toothed comb to assess integration responsibility.
“We sometimes find that sales of presses, feeds or transfers do not include full integration of the new equipment into the existing line,” he says. “Metalformers may or may not have the staff on hand for proper inte- gration and documentation, so in an effort to get the line running, inte- gration is performed hurriedly with- out proper planning and documen- tation. Do the homework beforehand, which can save headaches later when maintenance, repairs or upgrades are necessary.” MF
to check the specifications to make
is an ideal route for line integration.
sure that you’re receiving matching
Page 1
hardware platforms. And, hire a third
Vibro Transporters are
The simple yet rugged design of the Vibro 100% Air-Operated Transporter makes it a reliable, efficient and cost-effective choice for carrying objects along production lines or for removing scrap from beneath machine tools, even in very cramped spaces where belt conveyors can’t go.
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FOSMO MASKIN A.S., Norway • UPTON & SULLIVAN CO., LTD., Canada • MTI Monterrey, Mexico
22 MetalForming/December 2016