Page 21 - MetalForming June 2017
P. 21
regardless of the supplier. These are: • Properties of each chemical;
• Physical, health and
environmental hazards; • Protective meas-
ures; and
• Safety pre-
cautions for han- dling, storing and transporting the chemical.
The 16 sections of an SDS:
1) Chemical identification— Essential information on the suppli- er/manufacturer
2) Hazard identification—Any haz- ards the chemical presents and appro- priate warning information
3)Composition/information on ingredients—Information on the sub- stances, mixtures and chemicals used
4) First-aid measures—Care to be administered to those exposed to the chemical
5) Firefighting measures—Handling
An exclamation point indicates lubri- cants and other chemicals that
include irritants (skin and eye), skin sensitizers, acute toxicity
agents (harmful), narcotic effects, respiratory-tract
irritants, or are haz- ardous to the
ozone layer.
a fire with the chem- ical
6) Accidental release measures—Response to
spills, leaks or release
7) Handling and stor- age—Guidelines on safe handling prac-
tices and storage
8) Exposure control/personal protection—Minimiz- ing worker exposure and limits
9) Physical and chemical properties—Important key prop- erties of the material
10) Stability and reactivity—Reac- tivity hazards of the chemical, if any
11) Toxicological information— Health-effects information
12) Ecological information—How to evaluate environmental impact if released
13) Disposal considerations—Guid- ance on proper disposal, recycling and reclamation of the chemical or its con-
14) Transport information— Classification for shipping and
transport of hazardous chemicals
The exploding- heart pictogram on packaging
indicates health hazards such as
chemicals that may be carcinogenic, cause muta-
genicity and/or reproductive toxicity, are respiratory sensitiz-
ers, or cause target organ toxicity and/or aspiration toxicity.
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