Page 42 - MetalForming July 2017
P. 42
Worldwide Presence
Throughout the 1960s, the industry continued to grow, and so did AMSA’s presence, nationally and on the world stage. In 1964, the first International Study Team of 47 AMSA representatives toured plants in Germany, France and England, and then attended the First International Stamping Conference in England. In 1965, AMSA established a precedent by cosponsoring a two-day conference of Educators and Industri- alists, at Kent State University. It estab- lished other precedents that same year when it participated in the National Safety Congress, and also marketed itself to potential members by reserving a booth for the first time at the ASTME (American Society of Tool and Manu- facturing Engineers, now known as SME) Tool Show. Also in 1965, AMSA took first place in the 1965 National Idea Fair of the American Society of Association Executives.
March 1967 marked the birth of
As a member of the International Council of Sheet Metal Presswork Associations (ICOSPA), PMA takes an active role in the ICOSPA Congress, held every three years.
AMSA’s industry publication, Metal Stamping magazine, which took the name MetalForming in 1988. Over the years, MetalForming has added digital components, including websites, e- newsletters and apps. 3D Metal Print- ing and Fabricating Product News have since joined the PMA publication ros- ter, and the magazine group also pro- vides webinars and live conferences and events.
In 1969, AMSA hosted the Third International Technical Conference of Sheet Metal Working, at the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago. This meeting repre- sented AMSA’s first attempt at multi- lingual, simultaneous translation as well as printing. Each program was pre- sented simultaneously in French, Eng- lish, German and Japanese. Today, as a member of the International Council of Sheet Metal Presswork Associations
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MetalForming/July 2017