Page 64 - MetalForming July 2017
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AP&T North America, Inc.
Innovative Year for
Forward-Looking AP&T
Over the past year, AP&T has launched sev- eral innovative products: • A multi-purpose low-noise press enables parts to be produced with greater precision and at higher speeds while using half of the energy.
• New energy-efficient press robots, transfer systems and other automation products can accelerate approximately
20 percent faster, enabling shorter cycle times and increased productivity.
• A new Multi Layer furnace for press-hardened vehicle parts delivers higher process stability.
• Aftermarket services are now being offered through a needs-based availability agreement called Lifetime Performance Services.
AP&T North America, Inc.
“Simply, we as companies must be able to bring in more business and realize the cost benefits, without adding a lot of overhead,” Lowry insists. “Growth through acquisition is happening all over our industry, and will only continue to expand. I think that for most companies in our industry, you need to be in the $15 to $20 million range or larger to really thrive moving forward.”
Culture, Culture and More Culture
How does PMA play a role in helping metalformers man- age in a brave, new world? Two services provided by PMA immediately come to the mind of Josh Hopp, president of New Jersey metalformer HK Metalcraft: networking oppor- tunities and benchmarking reports. A fourth-generation owner who took the reins of HK Metalcraft in 2014, Hopp acknowledges that having “grown up with PMA and in the metalforming industry, I know there are people and com- panies within the association that operate in a worldclass manner. The opportunities to benchmark our performance against worldclass companies, through tours and other events orchestrated by PMA, are magnificent.”
One area in which Hopp and other metalformers use benchmarking and networking opportunities to improve performance involves optimizing the use of new ERP systems
to automate data collection and analysis, and improve deci- sion-making, as previously mentioned by Arndt and Lowry. “In many cases,” says Hopp, “we as metalformers rely more on each other for advice on ERP implementation and appli- cation than we do on the software suppliers themselves.”
Hopp also can’t say enough about what he’s learned from touring PMA-member facilities, emphasizing that the lessons learned translate into actions that are preparing HK Metal- craft for future growth and prosperity.
“There are so many worldclass metalformers amongst the PMA membership,” he says. “Every time I tour one of these companies, I bring back ideas that we can implement to help ensure future success.
4817 Persimmon Ct. Monroe, NC 28110 704/292-2900
“We feel that 5S and lean initiatives are critical as we seek to create an environment in which people want to work,” says HK Metalcraft president Josh Hopp. “The best companies, and where I see us heading, are those that provide an environment in which people take pride in their work and are excited to be part of a forward-moving company. In the end, we’re building a culture of
growth and progress, not a culture of complaining.”
Kent Corporation
Innovation in Lubrication
DieTronic spray systems allow manufacturers to apply lubri- cant only where required, avoiding fluid and material waste and keeping work environments clear from oil mists and dangerous
fluids. Quantity is programmable in eight different levels, con- trolled directly by a touchscreen that detects and visualizes the application area. DieTronic also offers a special fluid-dispensing system that controls air flow and oil temperature in real time. DieTronic’s solution recommendations help avoid problems related to blend storage and impurities.
Visit our FABTECH booth #A4988.
Kent Corporation
9601 York Alpha Dr.
North Royalton, OH 44133 440/582-3400
S30 MetalForming/July 2017