Page 79 - MetalForming July 2017
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Eagle Press & Equipment Co. Ltd.
Congratulations PMA on an Outstanding 75 Years!
Eagle Press would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge PMA for its years of leadership, service and support of its members and associates. The Eagle team looks forward to many more years of metalforming-industry collabora- tion and success!
Eagle Press, along with its U.S. division, Eagle Press Amer- ica, Inc., is North America's leading power-press manufacturer. Eagle Press is world-renowned for offering its PMA customers versatile and reliable mechanical, hydraulic and servo-press systems, as well as unparalleled service solutions.
Eagle Press & Equipment Co. Ltd.
5170 O’Neil Dr.
Oldcastle, ON N0R 1L0, Canada
Eagle Press America, Inc.
1825 Industrial Bypass N. Franklin, KY 42134 519/737-1593
Jier North America, Inc.
Jier Is Celebrating 80 Years
Established in 1937 in Jinan, China, Jier is a global leader in manufacturing heavy-duty metalforming machinery. With 1.2 mil- lion sq. m of manufacturing, extensive engineering and R&D, Jier
delivers the en- tire spectrum of presses to its global cus- tomer base: every major automotive OEM and most Tier One and Tier Two sup-
pliers, manufacturers of commercial vehicles and the appliance industry. Jier supplies a wide range of stamping products, includ- ing mechanical and servo high-speed tandem lines, transfer presses, blanking presses, C-frame presses and servo presses.
From our Jinan headquarters with an extraordinary manufac- turing capacity, to our North American facility in Plymouth, MI, the Jier North America 24/7 service team is here to address your needs. With quality spare parts and talented technicians, our service team will work on all makes and models of presses. Cur- rently, Jier is installing two high-speed tandem lines and a die-try- out press at Ford Woodhaven (Woodhaven, MI). This will mark the ninth tandem line at various North American Ford Motor Co.
stamping facilities. Jier North America also focuses on full turnkey installations, with an astonishing project-management team.
Jier North America, Inc.
14975 Cleat St. Plymouth, MI 48170 734/404-6683
MetalForming/July 2017 S45