Page 29 - MetalForming August 2017
P. 29

 easily produced in our servo press.” Other features of Wiegel’s new servo press include a low-inertia drive engi- neered to enable higher acceleration and deceleration rates. Lower torque
requirements also result in higher-effi- ciency forming, according to Nidec Minster officials. In addition, the eccen- tric-shaft design reportedly creates improved dynamic parallelism and bot-
A new 100-ton servo press at Wiegel Tool Works (WTW) satisfies the company’s need for speed while offering endless advantages versus a standard mechani- cal press, including increased drawing capabilities, according to Ryan Wiegel, WTW vice president.
tom-dead-center accuracy, and mini- mizes backlash for consistent accuracy in pendulum mode.
Beyond that, beefed-up construc- tion allows the press to withstand the force generated when stamping the latest high-tensile-strength materials, and an operator-friendly HMI provides the ability to quickly choose from high- ly customizable slide-motion profiles.
But again, it is the speed that has most impressed Wiegel and WTW.
“For the specialized type of work that we perform, we could find no other option than this press due to its speed and versatility,” Wiegel says. “For stamping that requires 100-ton capac- ity and up, we will only purchase servo presses.” MF
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