Page 36 - MetalForming August 2017
P. 36

Press Feeds
  Along with its new mechanical presses, Manitowoc Tool & Manufacturing has invested in the latest coil-handling technology to feed them. This 48-in.-wide-capacity coil line feeds a Seyi 660-ton press, and gives the metalformer tighter control of material straight through the tooling while keeping the material finish pristine, a must given that Manitowoc produces a large amount of cosmetic parts.
Loop-height setpoints can be stored in job recipes, providing tuned feed and loop control for each job.
Working to Stay on the Leading Edge
As a job shop with a dizzying amount of part numbers, a synchro- nized line, from feed to press to tooling
and beyond, means less costly and time-consuming babysitting. By adopt- ing the latest technologies such as these new feed systems, MT&M can remain competitive and cement itself as a lead- ing-edge manufacturer, according to Reinhart.
“We want to run the latest equip- ment, from the die shop to the press
room,” he says.
In its forward-thinking technology
quest, MT&M recently added a quali- ty-control room with a scanning arm and tabletop coordinate-measuring machine. In addition, the company, during MetalForming’s visit, was preparing to go live with a Merlin dash- board system.
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