Page 20 - MetalForming October 2017
P. 20
Software for Manufacturing
Improved Software for Tool Design and Build
Tebis America, Troy, MI, specializing in CAD/CAM systems for design and man- ufacturing services for the tool and die industries, announced release 4 of its Version 4.0 software. With the release, Tebis software creates area curves during part comparison to enable better detection and limitation of modified areas. Design measures can thus be quickly implemented or new NC programs can be quickly cal- culated for modified areas. The new func- tion creates non-overlapping shifted sur- faces from any curves at defined angles. All overlaps within parts that would result especially at sharp edges and small radii of curvature are automatically filtered out and smoothed. This is ideal for those working with trim steel and trim-line sur- faces in draw-die manufacturing. The lengths and angles of surfaces are inter- actively adjusted using drag arrows.
curves are mor- phed to yield the geometries for a correctly trimmed sheet- metal part in a single step.
In addition, parts now are automatically morphed together with complex trimming curves in surface morphing. The geometry of the original curves is fully retained and color properties are transferred in a ratio of 1:1. Curves are included in surface mor- phing. In draw-die manufacturing, if active surfaces must be morphed to compensate for springback of the sheet, all trimming
software also includes a new tool type with an extended set of cutting data and special speeds, feed rates, cooling types and depth sections needed for deep-hole drilling. These values are managed sep- arately for each individual tool.
The software also offers a host of other upgrades and additions.
Also, deep- hole drilling in the CAM area is better-orient- ed to support automated cal- culation and machining. The
18 MetalForming/October 2017
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