Page 36 - MetalForming November 2017
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Wendy Oetjen
Owner/President/Technical Sales Engineered Process Solutions, LLC West Chester, OH
Wendy graduated from college with a business degree and immediately started selling solvents. She then earned a degree in chemical engineering and joined Proctor & Gamble Co. on the research side. Wanting to be out in the field, Wendy next joined Irmco Advanced Lubricant Technologies’ sales team sell- ing lubricants. Eleven years ago and with a wealth of industry experience, Wendy decided to start her own company, Engi- neered Process Solutions, selling lubri- cants, application equipment and tool coatings.
Her achievements during a 22-yr. career include innovating numerous min- imum-quantity-lubrication techniques for press shops and helping to develop and field test the world’s first non-oil-bending gel lubricant.
Wendy’s achievements have earned her “legend status,” says her nominator, as she has “left a permanent mark on the metalforming industry.”
“Women in the industry are now the accepted norm, but there are still far too few of us. Therefore, if a woman is inter- ested in problem solving, cost analysis, reliability improvement, quality or pur- chasing, there is a wealth of opportuni- ties for women in manufacturing. In addition, a manufacturing background provides a great framework for delving into other areas of the business world.”
Suzanne Sabia
Sales & Purchasing/Planning Lindquist Steels, Inc. Stratford, CT
Majoring in political science, Suzanne figured she’d enter the field of public administration. With government jobs scarce, she started as a temporary employee at Lindquist Steels and quickly found her calling in sales and purchas- ing. She now has been at Lindquist for 28 yr., and recently was honored with a Lindquist customer’s Vendor of the Year award.
Suzanne’s nominator attributes her successes to her ability to readily under- stand customer needs and expertly match them to company capabilities. Suzanne’s combination of skill, care and understanding is so rare, says her nomi- nator, that “many of the accounts that she works with are [pleasantly] over- whelmed by the support and informa- tion they receive from her.”
“Working in accounts and purchasing has allowed me to learn critical insights as to what is uniquely important to cus- tomers and what their concerns are when it comes to large continuous pro- grams or complicated projects. Working closely with customers to fully under- stand their needs and then pair those requirements to the best of our capabili- ties has been very rewarding. It’s great to see how successful both parties can be.”
Angie Brick
Director of Community Involvement & Special Projects
Rotochopper, Inc.
St. Martin, MN
During her 17-yr. career, “Angie has been a tireless advocate for employees, Rotochopper's core values and Roto- chopper's commitment to the communi- ty,” says one of her nominators.
In her former role as human resources manager, Angie demonstrated this com- mitment by launching events to foster employee satisfaction—such as employ- ee- and family-appreciation days—and by striving to connect with each employ- ee on a personal level.
In her current role overseeing com- munity involvement and special projects, Angie focuses on building good will and providing opportunities within the com- munities of central Minnesota. She works with local high schools and techni- cal colleges through programs such as Project Lead the Way and Rotochopper’s Demo Day event to enable the next gen- eration of students to pursue careers in metalworking.
“As more women enter STEM fields, it will be important for them to fill posi- tions throughout manufacturing to help ensure a welcoming work environment that enables all women in the workplace to realize their potential. Whether you love to weld or want to be the CEO, manufacturing offers many exciting and fast-paced career opportunities.”
34 MetalForming/November 2017