Page 20 - MetalForming-Mar-2018-issue
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    Today’s fabricating technology promises the ability to produce high-quality components job after job, in a variety of applications. And, in each issue, MetalForming is committed to informing you on how fabrication equipment delivers.
This month we fill our Fabrication section with tips and tricks galore. Find out how to gain longer life from CNC-punching tools, and learn what remedies are available for shearing defects. MetalForming also explains how an Indiana company leverages its formidable roster of fab. equipment to supply the recreational-vehicle market.
And there’s more, as this month’s Welding Well column advises on advances in gas-tungsten-arc- welding controls and how they can be optimized.
18 News & Technology
24 ThreeThingsYouNeedto Know to Prolong Punch Life
Understanding these basic reasons for premature wear will enable you to get the most from your tools.
26 FourCuresforSheetmetal- Shearing Defects
Fabricators operating sheet and plate shears battle these common defects: torsion, straightness error (crooking), bowing and poor edge quality. Here we offer some cures.
32 RV Industry Supplier Ramps Up Production Using Fiber Laser, Brake and Bender Equipment enables Rock Run to bring production of a new product line back inhouse.
34 Welding Well
Getting the Most from Advanced GTAW Controls
Doug Smith
News & Technology
Coldwater Machine Co., Coldwater, OH, has designed its own guided rod cylinders for use in fabrication equipment supplied for punching, piercing and notching. These hydraulic cylinders fea- ture an internally self-lubricated, guided rod within the cylinder body, which reportedly improves reliability while reducing maintenance requirements. With no external guides, the new cylinder design is compact, requiring one-third less space than alternatives.
Self-Contained Guided Rod Cylinder for Piercing Applications
 18 MetalForming/March 2018
The guided pierce cylinders feature steel bodies and provide stable, non- rotating performance with the ability to reach hydraulic pressures of 3000 psi. Coldwater currently is building two sizes, based upon its most common system requirements.
Coldwater uses these cylinders in
equipment for appliance manufacturing,
including dishwasher-panel and wash-
er-cabinet lines, as well as for automotive frame- and body-piercing lines. Coldwater Machine Co.:
Industrial Fabricators Installs High-Strength Line
sioning, a recoiler that changes from 20- in.-ID to 24-in.-ID coils in 2 min., and a full array of automation to enhance pro- ductivity. Slit coils, packaged on a Braner/Loopco automatic packaging line, include time- and labor-saving smart con- trols.
 Industrial Fabricators, Inc, Gastonia, NC, a supplier of carbon steel, aluminum and stainless-steel fabrications as well as flat-rolled-processing and metal-distri- bution services, has installed a single- loop Braner/Loopco turret-head slitting line and an automatic slit-coil packaging line in its Gastonia (Charlotte), NC, coil- processing facility. The slitting line has the capacity to process 84-in.-OD carbon steel, aluminum and stainless coil in gauges from 0.024 to 0.375 in. Coil mechanical properties range to 100,000 psi. The slitting line features paper inter- leaving and PVC laminating for nonferrous coil processing, a quick-change turret slitter equipped with threadless aluminum tooling lock-up, power thread-up scrap winders, nonmarking loop-control ten-
Esab Completes Acquisition of Sandvik Welding Business
Esab Welding & Cutting Products, Annapo- lis Junction, MD, has announced its acqui- sition of the Sandvik welding operations, including production units in Scranton, PA, and Sandviken, Sweden, the technical sales and product management organization, as well as multi-year R&D collaboration for future product developments.
“Adding the Sandvik welding operations and its associates provides Esab the

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