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a well-equipped onsite learning center for webinars and online courses.
By continually evolving its training programs and working closely with other institutions, Ajax Metal Forming Solutions has become well-known for developing and rewarding its work- force, and that is paying dividends in
its efforts to recruit talent.
“I was on a career panel at a high
school event,” recalls Jasper, stressing the importance of lifelong learning in our industry by noting that he earned his college degree at age 39. “As soon as the panel concluded, three kids came up to me asking where to find
our booth because they were so enthused about the possibilities at Ajax. We need to keep getting in front of people and getting the word out that manufacturing is more than simply a manual-labor is about lifelong learning.”
Diemasters Manufacturing, Inc., Elk Grove Village, IL
Diemasters Manufacturing, Inc., Elk Grove Village, IL, is all about embracing change to ensure steady growth. Since receiving the Metalform- ing Pioneer Award in 2011, the custom stamping, fabrication and automated- assembly company has gone through a restructuring and changed its sales direction, while continuing to shine a light on employee training and pro- ductivity.
“When it became apparent that the growth potential of Diemasters was beyond our current capital structure, we approached a long-time affiliate and in 2015 became a part of the Weiss-Aug Group,” says President Virgil DeLay. The Weiss-Aug Group is comprised of Weiss- Aug (custom insert injection molding,
Virgil DeLay, president of Diemasters, credits a restructuring and continued commit- ment to employee training as important factors for continued sales growth.
precision metal stamping and assembly) Weiss-Aug Surgical (medical-device components and subassemblies), JK
Tool (production machines and tooling) and Diemasters, where the emphasis is on value-added assemblies comprised of stamped and fabricated parts.
“By becoming a part of the Weiss- Aug Group, we were able to shift our precision-contract work to Weiss-Aug, which gives us the opportunity to focus on our value-added business, utilizing our productivity and training systems to ensure success,” explains DeLay. “While our sales direction has changed, with some stamped parts now being tooled and produced at Weiss-Aug, our overall sales continue to grow.
“Revenue for 2017 will be up 9.5 percent over 2016 figures, even after some significant program obsolesces,” he continues. “Moreover, while our direct labor has actually increased by 1.6 percent due to the higher value- added content of our product mix, the cost savings from our workforce-devel- opment and productivity endeavors have resulted in an approximate 5- percent reduction in indirect-labor
Success: Scott Kauth,
Quality Assurance
Scott Kauth enjoys the challenges that come with being a quality assurance manager at Diemasters and credits the company’s LISSTs training for his success.
“The LISSTs training has helped me when it comes to focusing on a project at work or at home,” he says. “As QA manager, many different things will come up during a normal day, but all cannot be addressed immediately. Understanding how to use a ‘List of Six’ which is
part of the LISSTs training, definitely helps in accomplishing daily tasks and keeps me focused on what needs to be accomplished.”
Kauth’s ability to see important projects through to successful conclusions enabled him to lead Diemasters in its IATF audit. “We recently transitioned our quality-manage- ment system from TS16949 to IATF16949,” he says. “Without the tools gained from the training, the transition would have been very difficult. It makes my job much more rewarding to know that IATF 16949 is not just a program our customers require us to have, but that it is in line with the principles and culture of our company. In fact, we don’t prepare for customer audits anymore; we just show folks what we are doing.”
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