Page 53 - MetalForming-Mar-2018-issue
P. 53
he says. Standardization will allow use of the same-size clamping fixture for all dies, and with standardized sub- plates, fixed die-locating pins can be used in the press bed for quick, accu- rate location of the die on the press bed. This makes for easier, possibly automatic, placing of clamps.
Having addressed staging and lay- out, storage, retrieval and transport, and standardization of dies, select quick die-change hardware. This includes control boxes, hydraulic power units, die lifters, bolster extensions, transport (forklifts, mobile die carts and rail- mounted die carts), die tables and rolling bolsters, and die-storage racks and hydraulic clamps, with ledge and rod clamps being the most common.
“Work with your equipment vendor to determine the QDC hardware nec- essary for meeting your plant’s needs,” says Ellard. “Remember, it’s important to visualize how any hardware pur-
A standard rod-type clamp, when manually slid into the T-slot of the bolster (upper right) and placed in the clamping position, helps to achieve quick die changes.
chased now might affect the future use of your pressroom equipment. For instance, if you have plans to add peripheral equipment such as transfer
systems, feedlines and conveyors, these items must be considered when decid- ing on QDC hardware, and how and where to install it.” MF
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MetalForming/March 2018 51