Page 6 - MetalForming-Mar-2018-issue
P. 6
Brad F. Kuvin
Low/No-Skill Jobs Going Away
No, low-skilled jobs in metalforming and fabricating plants won’t disappear completely, but those jobs will continue to diminish in numbers as we usher in the era of more highly skilled labor, requiring an increased level of training. That’s the gist of the message conveyed last month by Jay Timmons, CEO of the National Association of Manu- facturers, during his eight-state tour of U.S. manufacturers. Citing an “urgent need” to build a more modern manufacturing workforce, Timmons described a next-generation workforce that requires a higher level of training than many manufacturers typically provide.
This issue of MetalForming highlights four metalforming companies that not only continue to invest heavily in workforce development—low- and high-skilled—but also have bona fide ROI results to justify their investment.
One of the companies profiled, Oberg Industries, has a unique and telling motto: “Cus- tomers rely on us and we rely on our people.” Backing up those words, Joe O’Brien, Oberg’s director of human resources, cites a laundry list of initiatives to attract, retain and grow its workforce while noting that the company now hires 40 to 50 employees per year. Also high- lighted is Pridgeon & Clay and its Training Academy, which includes courses on lean thinking and fundamentals of business and manufacturing. Its employee-training programs, and a
“Stampers and fabricators now have an array of options that enable them to collect real- time data from their presses, laser-cutting machines, welding equipment and other machines on the floor.”
generous tuition-reimbursement policy, have proved a winning combination for the company and employees, resulting in improved employee retention and advance- ment. It has given P&C the opportunity to identify and promote leaders from within its ranks. Check their stories out beginning on page 37.
Just what kind of skills will metalformers be looking at as they refine their offerings in the years ahead? You can start with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. As evidenced at several displays at the most recent FABTECH
show in Chicago, stampers and fabricators now have an array of options that enable them to collect real-time data from their presses, laser-cutting machines, welding equipment and other machines on the floor. With that data, they can anticipate workflow, output, stoppages and other performance issues that previously would have required human inter- vention—high-skilled labor replacing low-skilled.
All of this comes to light in our upcoming conference, IoT for Metalformers and Fabrica- tors—Software, Sensors and Controls, April 18-19 in Nashville, TN. Not only are sensors able to monitor every step of the manufacturing process, but IoT also enables monitoring of parts and assemblies throughout the factory. Using IoT technology to manage all of this enables metalformers and fabricators to quickly identify and correct inefficiencies. And, all of the data collected can flow through an ERP system to enable more accurate and timely quoting, direct predictive- and preventive-maintenance functions and help drive sales and marketing efforts.
Learn more about our conference and register to attend:
Final thought: PMA’s commitment to training our industry’s workforce shines bright later this spring, when it rolls out a new online learning program, METALFORM EDU. Com- panies will have access to more than 700 online courses, including Metalforming Occupational Aptitude and Knowledge, Basic and Advanced Press Operator Training, and Manufacturing Economics. Learn more about how your company can access METALFORM EDU by contacting Erin Riffle:
Publisher/Editorial Director
4 MetalForming/March 2018
© 2018 by PMA Services Inc. 6363 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, OH 44131 216/901-8800 | fax: 216/901-9669
PMA President | Roy Hardy
Publisher/Editorial Director | Brad F. Kuvin
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