Page 52 - MetalForming-Apr-2018-issue
P. 52
METALFORM and Machining Mexico returns to Mexico City May 2-4, co-located at Centro Banamex with FABTECH Mexico, AWS Weldmex and COATech. The combined event serves as a primary gathering for leading metal manufacturers in Mexico and across Central and South America. After a successful 2017 edition in Mon- terrey, the show is expected to rival 2016’s Mexico City record breaker, where more than 12,000 attendees sur- veyed the wares of 550 exhibitors span- ning nearly 150,000 sq. ft. of space.
Precision Metalforming Associa- tion’s (PMA’s) METALFORM and Machining Mexico highlights metal- forming and tool-and-die technology, making it an ideal complement to FABTECH Mexico’s fabricating and
tube-and-pipe offerings, AWS Weld- mex’ welding technology and COATech’s emphasis on finishing. Attendees will find plenty of opportunities to network, learn and experience first-hand the latest innovations in forming, fabri- cating, welding and finishing.
The event will feature education
beyond the show floor, providing par- ticipants with opportunities to gain technical knowledge, discover best practices and learn from relevant case studies. Led by sponsoring exhibiting companies and top industry profes- sionals, the comprehensive education program, free to show attendees, covers topics such as automation, cutting, fin- ishing, forming and fabricating, laser technology, lean management, soft- ware, stamping and welding. The ses- sions, each averaging 25 min., will be held throughout the three-day show.
Along with PMA, associations spon- soring the event include SME, The Fab- ricators & Manufacturers Association, the American Welding Society and the Chemical Coaters Association Inter- national. MF
50 MetalForming/April 2018
Mexico in
May for All
Things Metal
Make plans to attend METALFORM and Machining Mexico, co-located with FABTECH Mexico, AWS Weldmex and COATech.
METALFORM and Machining Mexico, co-located with FABTECH Mexico, AWS Weldmex and COATech
WHEN: Wednesday, May 2, 1-8 p.m.
Thursday, May 3, 1-8 p.m.
Friday, May 4, 1-8 p.m. WHERE: Centro Banamex,
Mexico City, Mexico