Page 25 - MetalForming-May-2018-issue
P. 25
“With the ACIES Punch/Fiber Laser our throughput is 3 times greater than our turret punch presses, and 50% more than our CO2 punch/laser combination machine.”
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Tom Mackessy, President (left) and Andrew Mackessy, Account Manager of Ometek, Inc.
Equipping The Next Generation.
“For nearly 40 years, AMADA has consistently provided the industry-leading technology needed for Ometek and our customers to succeed.” — Andrew Mackessy
Founded in 1977, Ometek Incorporated is a premier metal fabrication com- pany located in Columbus, Ohio. The company specializes in precision sheet metal fabrication, precision machining, copper fabrication, engineering for manufacturabil- ity, and electromechanical assembly. By partnering with AMADA for nearly 40
years, Ometek has a proven history of exceeding their customer’s expecta- tions for quality, price and on-time delivery. Father and son,Tom Mackessy (President) and Andrew Mackessy (Account Manager), sought AMADA’s expertise in order to maximize Ometek’s ability to profit while meeting cus- tomers’ increasing demands of high-mix and low-volume production. AMADA provided the optimal solution — an ACIES 2515 AJ Punch/Fiber Laser Combi- nation Machine paired with ASRN + PK + TK Automation.
Tom Mackessy, comments on the recent purchase and the partnership with AMADA, “The ACIES is the ideal combination machine for the high-speed pro- duction of short run parts, especially those that incorporate forming. Now, we can complete several parts in a single setup and laser processing can occur as turret tools are automatically loaded. With the quality and innovation of their products, as well as excellent customer service, we will continue to depend on AMADA to provide leading-edge technology — for our current and future needs.”
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