Page 27 - MetalForming-Jun-2018-issue
P. 27
In most cases with straight oils and dry films, the job calls for a solvent or high-alkaline water-based cleaner to remove the residue, as even the slight- est amount of residue can impede welding and painting. For difficult forming operations requiring a straight oil, the stamper can opt for a lubricant with a special additive package to allow for quicker, simpler cleaning in an alka- line parts washer run at a relatively low temperature.
Soluble oils and synthetics with higher dilution ratios can leave mini- mal and dry-to-the-touch residues that, in many cases, can be welded through, depending on the composition and dilution required for forming. However, most residues, even if heavy, will wash off in a mild-alkaline cleaner or water rinse.
Regardless of the cleaning method selected, stampers must exercise cau- tion. Perform tests on parts to ensure that the cleaning solution does not cause an adverse reaction, such as
etching or staining of the workpiece material.
Health, Safety and Environmental
Aluminum use continues to expand, not just for its favorable strength-to- weight ratio, but also for its environ- mental advantages. So, why not apply this philosophy when selecting the optimal lubricant? We should advance beyond just looking for the best form- ing lubricant that performs well during secondary processing. Newer lubri- cants also can improve operator health and safety, and positively impact the environment.
EP agents continue to find use in fluids to help with carrying the friction load between the aluminum workpiece and the tooling materials. CLPs have been the talk of the industry lately, with the recent push by the EPA to ban medium- and long-chain CLPs based on data suggesting high bio-accumu- lation and persistency rates. While this debate continues, lubricant manufac-
turers have begun to look at EPA- approved and registered very-long- chain CLPs to diminish environmental bio-accumulation and persistency rates.
Other robust additives that reduce the reliance on traditional EP agents also have made headway into modern formulations, creating more eco- friendly stamping lubricants—not just environmentally friendly, but also friendly to users. With the GHS system in place now for a few years, safety datasheets reveal the potential hazards of a product with written warnings and pictograms.
A quick visual can tell a stamper how each lubricant stacks up and allow managers to make informed decisions regarding health and safety. If your lubricant now comes packaged with any pictograms, ask yourself if you would use the product in your personal life. If not, seek a better option that can significantly reduce your health, safety and environmental footprint. MF
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