Page 18 - MetalForming-Oct-2018-issue
P. 18
Tooling by Design
By Peter Ulintz
Transitioning the Die Shop
During the 1990s, many com- panies reconfigured their die shops away from the artisan method of diemaking. Diemakers became die-assembly and tryout spe- cialists who were no longer required to plan, detail or machine-die com- ponents. By the end of the decade, powerful computer-aided-engineer- ing (CAE) tools began to emerge, the most significant being metalforming analysis.
The next decade brought simple, accurate and inexpensive flat devel- opment and optimization software used during the quoting process. Stress-based analysis of die structures and dynamic analysis
with die-maintenance capabilities only, did not require these technologies, nor did they see the necessity to make sig- nificant transitions during this period. Many of these shops are now recon- figuring to stay competitive and looking to hire available tool and diemakers to fill an expertise void.
Now confronted with configuring the die shop, these companies must evaluate every step carried out to design, machine, assemble, repair and try out their stamping dies. Companies must ask themselves: Is a tool and diemaker really required from a die-
basic skills as the ability to read micrometers and calipers, and an understanding of tooling and part spec- ifications. Such candidates already may work in the shop’s quality, production or maintenance departments.
Positions created during a die shop’s transition must be promoted as posi- tive career moves, with job descrip- tions defining short- and long-term goals and expectations, duties and responsibilities spelled out. Once hired, the shop’s veteran diemakers can provide new employees with hands-on training.
of material-handling systems
also emerged. To assist engineers
in making better decisions, tool-
steel selection, heattreatment
and surface-coating evaluations became important parts of die- design and metal-stamping sim- ulation codes. Additional design
help comes in the form of sen- sitivity and stability analysis (robustness) and evaluation of
die kinematics under different loading conditions.
Still, many die shops, typically those
Peter Ulintz has worked in the metal stamping and tool and die industry since 1978. His back- ground includes tool and die making, tool engi- neering, process design, engineering manage- ment and advanced product development. As an educator and technical
presenter, Peter speaks at PMA national seminars, regional roundtables, international conferences, and college and university programs. He also pro- vides onsite training and consultations to the met- alforming industry.
Peter Ulintz
Technical Director, PMA
maintenance and production stand- point? Are diemakers truly performing work that others not in the trade can- not? Do I need to pay a skilled craft person to stand by a surface grinder and watch it go back and forth? Does drilling a 1⁄16-in.-dia. hole through a 1- in.-thick block of steel really require expertise?
Transition Like a Dentist
What does a reconfigured die shop look like? A good example of such a transition is the dentist’s office. Dentists have transitioned their practices, with technicians and assistants carrying out many of the basic tasks previously per- formed by the dentist.
Likewise, shops in transition should look for employees who possess such
“Shops that successfully transition their die-maintenance areas away from strict reliance upon skilled craftspeople will reap the benefits in terms of cost savings and the creation of a streamlined process, adaptable to most any environment.”
Teamwork Matters
While training should focus on die maintenance, it should also include kaizen and team- building skills. The die-shop environment requires organi- zation, with readily available tools, instructions, prints and materials.
A good foundation for any major transition begins with a strong team. When first formed,
transition teams often experience lack of agreement and consensus. Person- alities and individualism may get in the way and it may take several weeks for the team to focus. Patience is key because, eventually, everyone (hope- fully) will start to understand team goals, expectations and the importance of working together.
Shops that successfully transition their die-maintenance areas away from strict reliance upon skilled craftspeople will reap the benefits in terms of cost savings and the creation of a stream- lined process, adaptable to most any environment. Moreover, economic times and skill shortages will continue to drive the need for such changes. In other words, the time for action is now.
16 MetalForming/October 2018