Page 50 - MetalForming-Oct-2018-issue
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Proactive Conference Program
FABTECH 2018 provides attendees with the opportunity to equip themselves with the knowledge necessary for helping their companies to be proactive in several key manufac- turing areas. That opportunity, presented in the form of this year’s metalforming educational program, features 22 ses- sions. Topics include the ins and outs of working with advanced high-strength steels, application of evaluation tools for achieving quality stampings, using connectivity to collect and move data, technical sensing solutions for moni- toring processes in progressive and transfer stamping, ensuring machine safety, and how to develop apprentice- ship programs for press-room techni- cians. Sponsored by the Precision Met- alforming Association, Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Society of Manufacturing Engineers and Chemical Coaters International, here are metal- forming-session details.
Tuesday, November 6
10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Machine Safety-Safeguarding Overview
Machine Safeguarding Overview
This presentation provides useful information on guards, devices, dis- tance, location and opening require- ments, along with the electrical stan- dard for industrial machines with respect to ANSI B11.19. Photos of safe- guarding methods will accompany each topic.
Roger Harrison, Rockford Systems
Lubrication Technology
Lubri-nomics—The Science of Lubrication and Economics in Metal Stamping
Learn about Lubri-nomics, the eco- nomic activity that governs the pro- duction, distribution and consumption of stamping lubricants, and how to
evaluate lubricant chemistries and best practices for mixing, distribution and application.
Bob Anderson and Christopher Fletcher, Tower Metalworking Fluids
Chlorinated Metalworking Fluids— Fact, Fiction & Options
Designed to provide attendees with a complete overview of chlorinated- metalworking-fluid regulations, this presentation covers what the proposed chlorinated-paraffin regulation would affect, and why the regulation change ended and is now under full review. Also covered: the regulation’s impact on employee health and environmental safety, and chlorinated materials still available and the options for replacing them.
Bob Anderson and Christopher Fletcher, Tower Metalworking Fluids
48 MetalForming/October 2018