Page 54 - MetalForming-Oct-2018-issue
P. 54
FABTECH: Proactive Conference Program
provides a methodical approach to solving complex problems associated with progressive dies. Procedures per- formed with the die in the press are presented to assist in isolating and identifying the root cause of common problems.
Peter Ulintz, Precision Metalforming Association
1:30–3:30 p.m.
Sensors, Controls
and Connectivity
Creating a Die-Protection Program on a Limited Budget
This presentation details a low-cost approach to die protection, a topic of interest for shops that avoid formal and more costly sensor programs.
George Keremedjiev, Tecknow Education Services, Inc.
Controls and Connectivity: Collecting and Moving Data from the Shop to the Office
This session shows how to collect accurate, timely and unbiased data automatically from the shop floor and then convert that data into information that flows to ERP and MES systems. Learn to use tools that communicate in real time the status of every machine and process; track KPIs to enable real, measurable process improvements; and notify specific troubleshooters to the existence of production issues.
Jim Finnerty, Wintriss Controls Group
Preventive Maintenance
in the Pressroom
Why Preventive Maintenance in the Pressroom?
This presentation discusses proper metal-stamping-press maintenance and its relationship to increasing throughput on the factory floor. Critical functions, areas to be monitored and procedures will be discussed.
Jeff Fredline, Meco
Thursday, November 8
8–10 a.m.
Sheetmetal Properties, Deformation Modes and Simulation Experiments Material Properties and Deformation Modes: Keys for Solving Metalforming Problems
Understanding material properties, and how those properties respond to stress, is key for solving metalforming problems. This presentation offers a basic understanding of material prop- erties and basic forming modes so that the user can identify and solve metal- formability problems more efficiently and effectively.
Peter Ulintz, Precision Metalforming Association
Design of Experiments in Process Simulation
Process simulation enables engi- neers to predict metalforming behavior on computers, rather than through shop trials. Software that integrates design-of-experiments (DOE) methods with finite-element analysis allows automated studies of process changes and design iterations with statistical feedback. The presentation focuses on the use of DOE to calibrate, optimize and gauge the robustness of bulk met- alforming applications, such as stamp- ing and drawing.
James Miller and John Walters, Scientific Forming Technologies Corp.
Transfer System Technology
Sensing Fundamentals and Technical Sensing Solutions Found in Progressive and Transfer Stamping
This presentation addresses the fun- damentals of effective, off-the-shelf sensing solutions/technologies for monitoring processes in progressive and transfer stamping. Also provided: a review of best practices for error- proofing tooling; electronic measure- ment solutions found in stamping processes and methods for discrete electronic detection; application pic- tures with specific monitoring scenar-
ios; and a section on RFID systems used for shut-height monitoring and dunnage/cart monitoring.
David Bird and Shawn Day, Balluff
Press Mounted Transfer Systems
A review of through-the-window and front-and-back-mounted transfer selection criteria, coil/blank-width impact, feed considerations, die access, press maintenance, and die and part design are covered during this presentation.
Rodney Naseman, Wayne Trail, a Lincoln Electric Company
10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Stamping Process Optimization
Best Practices Toward Dimensional Compliance of Stamped Panels
Over the past dozen years, newer grades of AHSS and aluminum alloys have demanded different practices and deeper diligence in dealing with spring- back than were previously developed for mild steel. The role of virtual engi- neering in managing springback for these AHSS and alloy materials is cru- cial. This presentation outlines best practices in leveraging these tools toward acceptable dimensional out- comes, without compromising cost and timing.
Kidambi Kannan, AutoForm Engineering USA Inc.
Apprenticeship Program
for Pressroom Technicians Creating an Apprenticeship Program for Pressroom Technicians
Metal stampers wishing to be more competitive are focusing on the cre- ation of formal apprenticeship pro- grams for their pressrooms. Today's skills crisis has refocused these com- panies to better train their stamping production personnel. This presenta- tion details successful examples from companies that have achieved excep- tional levels of skill sets in U.S. and Canadian pressrooms.
George Keremedjiev, Tecknow Education Services, Inc. MF
MetalForming/October 2018