Page 61 - MetalForming-Oct-2018-issue
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forming industry for more than 100 yr. United ships orders from 0.005 to 0.160 in. thick and as wide as 36 in. in any quantity nationwide and worldwide in a matter of days. It offers a range of alloys, tempers, finishes, coil sizes and special processing.
Live Demo: Near-Fine-
Blanking Via Servo Presses
combination of this press’ accuracy and programmability can transition near-fine parts from a high-cost, labor-intensive machine process to a much more efficient, economical stamping process, presenting the opportunity to dramatically reduce the per piece cost, according to Aida offi- cials. The production line is made possible through the cooperation of Portland Prod- ucts, Inc., Portland, MI, which will take delivery of the press following FABTECH.
Aida-America also is coordinating with Dallas Industries and Pax Products for this demonstration.
Aida-America Corp. Booth A2009
Aida-America Corp. will display two DSF-series direct-drive servo presses, powered up and blanking parts.
The first, a DSF-C1-1100 110-ton, gap- frame servo press, will be blanking high- strength low-alloy parts using the com- pany’s optimized silent-blanking-stroke motion profile. This demonstration will highlight the versatility of this line of servo presses and show how the technology can improve virtually any stamping oper- ation, according to company officials. Improvements include increased produc- tivity, higher part quality, extended die life and reduced maintenance.
The second press on display, a DSF- N2-3000 300-ton, two-point straightside servo press (pictured), will anchor a pro- gressive-die production line blanking near- fine parts. It will demonstrate how servo near-fine blanking via this technology can produce a 90-plus-percent burnished sur- face with a straight edge, exceeding the typical 70 to 80-percent burnished-edge requirement of many applications. The
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Additionally, Aida will be exhibiting its exclusive Allen-Bradley based servo-press control, for servo presses in capacities from 315 to 3500 tons. The fully opera- tional and interactive control will demon- strate several servo-press-stroke motion profiles in real-time on a virtual press.