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corporate campaigns. On the company’s website, he offers this quote:
“The most important management skill for avoiding legal risks in labor and employment relationships is lis- tening. Careful listening will help man- agement avoid 80 percent or more of the legal problems encountered with employees. But we are all too often in too much of a hurry to take the time.”
Following this management-focused presentation, steel executive Tim Quinn, chief commercial officer with Monarch Steel Co. (founded in 1934 and headquartered in Cleveland, OH), will help attendees deal with the increased complexity of purchasing steel—a job becoming increasingly complex due to price volatility.
“Buyers must be familiar with vari- ables such as raw-material prices, sup- ply options, capacity utilization rates, overall North American demand and trade law,” Quinn says. “This presen- tation covers not only what is happen- ing in the steel industry, but why, and how we arrived here.”
Continuing the materials-related theme, following Quinn’s presentation are general sessions on selecting sheet and coil material (ferrous and nonfer- rous), and best practices for stamping high-strength steels and aluminum alloys, with a focus on the use of servo presses, hot forming and state-of-the- art lubricants. Speaker Bill Frahm, pres- ident of 4M Partners, Rochester Hills, MI, stresses:
“New practices must incorporate
material science, the physics of forming and experience. Best practices offer a foundation for success and adaptability to evolving requirements. This pres- entation will introduce you to the basics of evaluating your current demands and preparing the procedures and processes to accomplish your best for forming success.”
This information-packed day con- cludes with a 2-hr. reception during which attendees can peruse the tech- nology exhibits of numerous tabletop sponsors, all of which sets the table for a technology-laden Day Two.
Breakout Tracks Highlight Day Two
The second day of the conference kicks off with a keynote presentation, Best Contracting Practices for Manu- facturing, and Minefields to Avoid. Presenter Dan Sharkey, a partner in the law firm of Brooks, Willins, Sharkey & Turko PLLC, concentrates his prac- tice on business contracts and litiga- tion, with an emphasis on supply- chain issues. Sharkey will share a list of best practices for contracts, reso- lution for manufacturers, and dos and don’ts for maximum leverage in nego- tiating contracts.
Following this presentation, atten- dees will select among concurrent track sessions (Stamping and Tool & Die) that run from 10:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
To learn more and to register to attend, visit conference. MF
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This information-packed event includes a 2-hr. reception during which attendees can peruse the technology exhibits of numerous tabletop sponsors.
MetalForming/December 2018 21