Page 22 - MetalForming August 2019
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Today’s fabricating technology promises the ability to produce high-quality components job after job, in a variety of applications. And, in each issue, MetalForming is committed to informing you on how fabrication equipment delivers.
This month, read how laser cutting technology and software have allowed metal formers and fabricators to adjust on the fly to more quickly serve customers and get product out the door. And, find out how the latest-generation press brakes employ ergonomic solutions to combat operator mental and physical fatigue, thus reducing injury risk while improving performance.
20 News&Technology
22 Fracking-Equipment Manufacturer Turns
to Laser for Flexibility
Bringing laser cutting inhouse allows this manufacturer and remanufacturer of oilfield-pumping equipment the ability to react quickly to last-minute changes or repairs, in order to ensure on-time delivery to its customers.
25 LaserJobShopthePerfect Stamper/Spinner Partner
A new five-axis laser-cutting machine, along with new processing and control software, improves productivity at this job shop serving numerous metal spinning and stamping companies.
28 NewPressBrakeDesigns Tackle Ergonomic Concerns
Stand/sit options, tool proximity, lighting and more improve operator comfort and reduce injury risks, translating to less waste and greater throughput in small-part production.
31 Five Tips for Better Aluminum GMAW
These recommendations help control heat input, optimize results and reduce rework when welding aluminum sheet metal.
News & Technology
Fiber Laser Handles Flat Sheet and Tube
Amada’s Ensis 3015 RI fiber laser with rotary index features a 3-kW fiber laser, with its index located on one of three shuttle pallets, allowing for simple switching from flat sheet cutting to tube or pipe cutting in as little as 2 min. The machine’s
unique design expands process-range capabilities to cut a significantly wider variety of shaped materials that also includes square, rectangle, C-channel and angle-iron shapes.
Amada’s Ensis technology utilizes a variable-beam control unit that automatically adjusts the laser beam’s properties to precisely cut an array of thin-to-thick materials without a lens change. Optimal beam control also enables the Ensis RI to process thin materials at speeds to four times faster than a CO2 laser, according to Amada officials. Amada America, Inc.:
New Rapid-Delivery Program
for Lifting and Positioning Equipment
Southworth Products Corp.
has unveiled a program to maximize the availability
of lift tables and vertical
lifting and positioning equipment for rapid delivery. The company’s new SwiftLift program places LS-series hydraulic lift tables and other prod- ucts such as PalletPal pallet positioners and E-Z Reach container tilters into three categories of availability:
Stock, Modified and Modified+, with maximum shipping lead times of one, two or three weeks, respectively.
Offerings in the Stock category include more than 65
models of lift tables, level loaders and container tilters for shipment in one week or less. Modified products include all the items in the stock category, plus the ability to modify lift tables to include any platform size to 72 by 96 in. in 1-in. increments, as well as several popular options. Lift configurations in the Modified category number more than 1000 and ship in two weeks or less. Modified+ products include a greater number of available options and offer the opportunity for users to specify light customization of lifts. Modified+ products ship in three weeks or less.
Southworth Products Corp.:
20 MetalForming/August 2019