Page 35 - MetalForming August 2019
P. 35
Using weld-bead sequences, such as intermittent welds, rather than a constant weld bead, can help offset distortion and warping when welding aluminum sheet.
tain a good bead profile. Backstepping techniques should be avoided, as they slow travel speeds, increasing heat input and distortion. Pulsed GMAW is recommended, as it provides the ability for a rapid travel speed, especially com- pared to other welding processes avail- able for aluminum sheet.
5 Use weld-bead sequences. Part geometry and fixturing greatly affect bead sequences. Using weld-bead sequences, such as intermittent welds, rather than a con- stant weld bead, can help offset dis-
tortion and warping.
To minimize burnthrough, when
possible weld beads in any low heat- sinking areas first. Spreading the weld sequence around the part also helps reduce localized heating. Another option: Make short welds in one direc- tion, starting the next weld behind the beginning of the previous bead. This helps reduce heat buildup while still allowing operators to weld in one direction. MF
4 Keep travel speeds high. A rapid travel speed and a small bead during GMAW also helps minimize burnthrough, warpage and distortion. A slower travel speed means
dwelling longer in an area, causing heat to build.
Operators always should employ stringer beads (not weave) and the fastest travel speed possible to main-
MetalForming/August 2019 33
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Fabrication: Welding Well