Page 19 - MetalForming September 2019
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 8-in.-thick ceramic insulation between the platens and cylinders as well as a water-chilled platen to dissipate the heat before it reaches the cylinder rods. Automated, insulated doors create a tight seal to efficiently contain the heat within the forming area and increase energy efficiency. Additionally, fire- retardant fluid is used in lieu of regular hydraulic fluid, fire sleeves protect hoses in certain areas, heat shields direct heat away from electrical com- ponents and air conditioning units cool the electrical cabinets. Everything ratchets up with high-heat applica- tions. Heat transfer into the press frame and components is less of a concern in automotive hot stamping because typically, the part heats outside of the press and quenching occurs inside of the die.
MetalForming: Besides hot form- ing, what other applications are well suited for hydraulic presses?
Dixon: Draw forming highlights the versatility of a hydraulic press. During
a deep draw cycle, a stationary punch typically mounts on the press bed, with the blank material placed on a draw ring supported by the bed cushion. When the upper tool contacts the blank, the cushion, forced downward, forms the material over the punch. Press features such as Beckwood’s Dynamic Cushion Control allow for cushion tonnage adjustments through- out the entire draw process, giving the operator complete control over mate- rial flow to eliminate wrinkling and tearing. The ability to generate full force at any point throughout the stroke on both the main ram and the draw cushion gives hydraulic presses an advantage. Because mechanical presses only generate full tonnage at the bottom of the stroke, they are not ideal for this type of application.
MetalForming: What advice can you offer to metal formers seeking new production equipment?
Dixon: Application requirements often are the determining factor in
machinery selection. For example, if a coil-fed application requires an output rate of 60 strokes/min. and the bed size and tonnage fit within the range for a standard mechanical or servo press, they may offer the best option. If not, a customized hydraulic press may be ideal. The end user must ana- lyze application requirements for speed, force and positional accuracy before choosing a press.
With so much new technology, these are great but confusing times for com- panies considering press options. Dis- cuss your application and production goals with several OEMs and choose the one that can tailor a solution to meet your exact needs. Try to consider not only what you need to satisfy cur- rent production requirements, but also what may be needed a few years down the road. Often, building ‘future-proof- ing’ features into a new machine up front, rather than trying to retrofit the same machine a few years later, saves money and time. MF
MetalForming/September 2019 17
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