Page 44 - MetalForming October 2019
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Conference Sessions Prepare Metal Formers
FABTECH 2019 attendees have myriad opportunities to learn what they need to know for help- ing their companies meet the manu- facturing challenges of today, while preparing for the future. Twenty-two metal forming presentations address the following: connectivity, joining, lubricants, materials, monitoring safety, sensing solutions, tooling, transfer stamping, troubleshooting/mainte- nance of servo presses, and more. In addition, three signature events begin each of the three days and feature a retired NFL player and Air Force pilot, a cybersecurity expert and bestselling author and former TV host and ani- matronics expert. (See page 36.)
FABTECH, sponsored by the Preci- sion Metalforming Association, Fabri- cators & Manufacturers Association, Society of Manufacturing Engineers and Chemical Coaters International, offers the following metal forming sessions:
Monday, November 11
10–11:30 a.m.
Understanding Servo Metal
Stamping Presses—Proper Use, Troubleshooting
and Maintenance
This course offers an overview of the proper operational procedures for servo-driven metal stamping presses. Attendees will discover proper main- tenance and troubleshooting proce- dures, and come to a full understand- ing of inspections for servo presses. The presentation also will cover the different operational modes for the presses and how and why they are used.
Jeff Fredline, Meco Corp.
Lubricants 1—Lubri-Nomics: The Science of Lubricants and Economics in Metal Stamping
Lubri-Nomics: How to make die- lubricant selection a cost-efficient part of your manufacturing process. Learn the effective proven method for reduc- ing missteps in lubricant choice and application, as well as methods to pro- vide a positive impact on downstream operations, lowering your real cost of manufacturing.
Bob Anderson,
Tower Metalworking Fluids
Applications of Alternative Methods for Hazardous Energy Control
OSHA introduced the regulation known as 1910.147 for the control of hazardous energy in the late 1980s, based on the original ANSI/ASSE doc- ument known as Z244.1. With the release of an updated Z244.1 in 2016, language includes the current technol- ogy of modern-day safety systems as well as how to utilize this technology for enhanced machine efficiency. The presentation will review the updated language in Z244.1, safety-related parts of control systems and provide exam- ples on how it can apply to various scenarios encountered in the produc- tion environment.
Ted Sberna, White Horse Safety Consultants
2–3:30 p.m.
Application of Real-Time Visual Monitoring Tool in Stamping
The first-time quality of stampings with reduced scrap rates is a primary goal of metal stampers. The real-time
42 MetalForming/October 2019