Page 18 - MetalForming January 2020
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Servomechanicals Shine
double-helical gearing, allowing for smooth operation, increased power transmission and higher durability; and zero-clearance slide guiding that improves die setup and operation. Stan- dard on this series, the Desch planetary gearbox reportedly reduces drive train
inertia to provide quicker acceleration and faster stop- ping times. And, the Siemens energy-management system provides maximum energy efficiency and low power cost per part, according to com-
pany officials.
In addition to the Arisa
servo-press offerings, Nidec Press & Automation pre- viewed for FABTECH audi- ences a state-of-the-art means to explore internal machine components, via augmented reality. Booth vis- itors were able to hold up a tablet computer to face a
press, and the tablet displayed drives, motors and more, enabling a detailed look at a press’ inner workings com- plete with specs and other component details. Expect to hear more on this technology soon.
EV Part Suppliers Sidling Up to Servos
Noting that FABTECH 2019 atten- dees seem to be more versed on servo press capabilities than at shows past, Stephan Robertson, general manager and vice president of sales and opera- tions for Simpac America, found the greatest interest in servo presses from the automotive sector.
“Due mainly to cost, we’ve seen interest in standard mechanical presses from those in the appliance and other industries that work with more standard materials and in part volumes that don’t require the productivity improvements offered by servomechanical presses,” he says. “But, in the automotive world with its higher-strength steels, alu- minum alloys and coated materials, and especially in the electrical vehicle (EV ) market, servomechanical presses draw a lot of interest.
“Quoting activity in general has increased for servo presses,” Robertson continues. “Many older presses 15 to
16 MetalForming/January 2020