Page 21 - MetalForming January 2020
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With U.S. oper- ations based in Erlanger, KY, the company, formerly Orii and Mec, used FABTECH 2019 to highlight SDE-Goriki direct-drive servomechan- ical presses, in capacities from 80 to 400 mtons.
The SDE-
Goriki series
boasts a solid-
column frame
the frame during pressurization, and increased vertical rigidity, thus improving eccentric-load resistance and providing for high precision and part quality, according to company officials. And, the enlarged slide area enables use of multi- step dies. Users can choose from diverse motion patterns, ensuring optimal motion for various stamping applications.
Apines operation-management software available through Amada Orii connects equipment, ranging from general machinery to servo presses, to a digital network. Information such as operation and production history, time monitoring, alarm information and maintenance details can be viewed easily, enabling real-time monitoring by press-shop personnel. The software is compatible with tablets and smartphones.
New Service Operation, New Hybrid Servo Line
At FABTECH, Fagor Arrasate officials announced that the company will build a greenfield service-oriented plant in the Chicago, IL, metro area, to become operational by the end of 2020. The project, to include bridge crane as well as offices, signifies a commitment to the U.S. market and complements the current Fagor Arrasate com- mercial and service structure in the country, coordinated from the company's U.S. head- quarters in Willowbrook, IL.
In two booths at FABTECH, the company provided exam- ples of servotransfer and trans- fer presses, high-speed press lines, slitting lines and cut-to- length lines for aluminum that utilize laser-flat technology.
Fagor Arrasate also presented some new developments in stamping and blanking lines equipped with advanced automation systems.
A major development highlighted by the company at FABTECH: its Wave- Lines high-speed press lines. Anchored by a servomechanical press and backed bymechanicalpresses,theselinesseek to provide high productivity for the automotive industry. The WaveLine setup speeds the process of handling and moving each part from one press to another by using high-speed robots with new generation synchronous con- trol, which reportedly increases the line's productivity by as much as 40 percent.
In 2018, Fagor Arrasate installed its first Servo Hybrid WaveLine project for Spanish automaker Seat, in Barcelona, Spain. The first such line in Europe reaches speeds to 15 strokes/min., works in continuous mode and pro- vides a digital simulator in a Siemens PLS platform. In 2010, the company took its very first WaveLine order, from VW South Africa.
The Seat line features a servome- chanical lead-off press followed by five conventional mechanical presses (all with 1300-mm stroke lengths) that obtain similar results to those of a full servo line, but with a better return on the investment, according to Fagor Arrasate officials. Line pressing force totals 81,000 kN, shared between the servo press with 21,000 kN of force and the other five with 12,000 kN each. Because the lead-off press is servo-dri- ven, slide speed can be varied at any point in its travel, enabling quicker die openings and closings that allow Güdel roboSpeed part-transfer robots to move parts more quickly along the line. Link- drive-type kinematics allow the presses and automation to work together in a continuous cycle.
Press-bed dimensions of 4500 by 2400 mm for the lead-off press and 4500 by 2200 mm for the others, com- bined with the robust part-transfer automation, enable production of large parts. MF
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and full-length center-gib structure that prevents stretching of