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purchase a five-axis laser to meet the company’s prototyping needs while at FABTECH 2016 in Las Vegas. “We were outsourcing prototyping work at the time, which made on-time delivery of parts a challenge,” says Leasure. “It took several months of exploration to decide on the type and model to purchase.”
The Rapido system, with its 28-in. Z axis, 60-in. Y axis and 160-in. X axis, and rotary-tilt laser beam positioning head, was selected as it enables trim- ming to tight tolerances required of the prototype parts that Competition Engineering produces.
Best of Both Worlds
Whether to use five-axis technology depends on the quantity and complex- ity of the part, explains Leasure, who notes that 90 percent of the parts pro- duced on the five-axis system are pro- totypes. “Here it makes sense,” he says, “but if thousands of the same part are required, then the laser may not be the best processing option. The reason: The cost of a die built for thousands of repetitive parts is offset as part quan- tity increases. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize a purpose-built die and a less expensive mechanical press, rather than a slower and more expensive laser.”
“However,” says Lillibridge, “with certain parts five-axis cutting performs better due to the complex shapes of the parts. Therefore, equipment-related decisions based on quantity and com- plexity are made on a part-by-part basis. For example, with a stamping you can start with a developed blank and form it into a completed part if the trim-line tolerance can tolerate the possible variances from forming a developed blank. Nevertheless, if you need to form a part into a complex shape, and trimming calls for multiple dies/stations or possibly cam trim- ming, that can become a complex sit- uation. A five-axis laser that can trim from all directions accomplishes the trimming in a single operation. This ability to simplify complexity makes it
A five-axis laser that trims from all directions accomplishes the trimming of a complex part in a single operation.
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an effective option.”
Currently, Competition Engineer-
ing’s laser cutting machine serves a dual role, although that could change. “The system is fully utilized,” says Lea- sure, “with 50 percent of the work requiring five-axis capability and the other half being two-dimensional blanks. As our need for greater five- axis capacity increases, we may add an additional flat-bed laser and use the five-axis exclusively for jobs requir- ing that capability.”
Software Helps Overcome Learning Curve
Typically, new equipment comes with some sort of learning curve and the addition of the five-axis laser cut- ting system offered no exception for Competition Engineering. “Although we understood CNC and five-axis machining, we did not know anything about laser cutting,” says Leasure. “It took two or three months for us to become proficient and another four to six months to become really efficient.”
The system’s CAM software, from Tebis America, Troy, MI, helped, says
Leasure, noting that its features and capabilities enable fast, accurate pro- gramming. “With the prototypes we are producing, part editing plays a key role. With the five-axis software, the program measures the part and makes adjustments to bring the trim line with- in tolerance. This software’s ability to make edits is valuable. In addition, the Tebis team understands the challenges associated with prototype and sheet metal dies. This enabled them to help us with the learning curve.”
The Tebis learning curve is ongoing, according to Lillibridge. “We’re using a small portion of its capabilities right now as we don’t use its complete design capabilities, but that will come,” he says.
In the meantime, Leasure explains that improved on-time performance continues to offset the cost of the equipment. “We’ve reduced lead times by two weeks on six- to eight-week projects, resulting in a 25 to 33-percent reduction,” he says. “Now that we’re seeing what the equipment can do for us, we wish we would have purchased one a few years earlier.” MF
Fabrication: Laser Cutting