Page 11 - MetalForming October 2011
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plasma-arc and laser-beam cutting systems. OSHA VPP Star status recognizes organ- izations that maintain injury and illness rates significantly below U.S. government aver- ages for their industry. For 2010, Hypertherm experi- enced less than one inci- dent/100 full-time employ- ees, compared to the industry average of nearly eight incidents/100 workers.
Website a Resource for
Those Sourcing Etched
Metal Parts
PhotoFabrication Engi- neering, Inc. (PEI), Milford, MA, a manufacturer of cus- tom and standard pho- toetched metal parts, has launched a new website com- plete with process diagrams and technical etching guide- lines. Also, the firm says that the site—www.photofabrica-—includes an indus- try first: an interactive tem- plate that allows users to design their own seam- sealed microelectronic pack- age lids online. PEI etches most metal alloys, including stainless steels, copper, brass, silver, titanium and specialty alloys.
Bosch Rexroth Podcast
Presents Lean Assembly
The 16th episode in a series of podcasts (8 to 10 min. each) from Bosch Rexroth, dedicated to lean manufacturing, is titled, “Lean in Assembly Opera- tions.” Presenter Dan Flem- ing, continuous improvement manager of the Greater Boston Manufacturing Part- nership, explains how automation can streamline
processes typical of wasteful manual assembly lines. Among his discussion points: mistake-proofing, standardi- zation and consistency.
Visit Bosch Rexroth’s pod- cast website to listen to or download the podcast and its predecessors, and access podcast transcripts; www.boschrexroth-
Stamper Launches
Multilingual Website
Waukesha Metal Prod- ucts, Sussex, WI, has trans- lated its website—equip- ment lists, capability content, photograph descrip- tions, RFQ form and news— into Spanish, German and Japanese. The firm supplies stamped and fabricated sheetmetal parts and assemblies, and performs tool design and build;
Updated Website
from Abrasive-Waterjet
Omax Corp., Kent, WA, has launched a new corpo- rate website to promote its abrasive-waterjet cutting sys- tems and accessories. Visit the site,, to review new-technology intro- ductions and feature arti- cles, follow links to Omax social-media pages, view a calendar of events and par- ticipate in a message board.
Website Showcases
Specialists in High-
Temp. Alloy Fabrication
Fabrico, Inc., Oxford, MA, specialists in welding, form- ing and machining of high- temperature alloys, has launched a new website showcasing its abilities. Also on stage: the firm’s
News Fronts