Page 53 - MetalForming October 2011
P. 53
With over 35 years hydraulic press engineering experience, Magnum Press Inc. builds standard and custom hydraulic presses and continues to be in the business of making sure you get the right press for the job. Magnum offers a full line of HIGH SPEED standard gap frame press models in classic C-Frame configuration, 2-Post and 4-Post Guided Tool Plate, Heavy Duty GIB Guided and economical Compact Models. Custom 2-Post and 4-Post Column Style presses are quickly designed and built to your specifications. Magnum Press Inc. has the press for you!
Servo Press Supplies Full
Energy Even at Low Speeds
Stamtec Booth 2926
Stamtec, Manchester, TN, introduces its new iLs1 servo press to show attendees. With servo-motor-drive technology, the standard electric motor, flywheel and
clutch/brake are replaced with a high-torque, low-RPM servo motor. Pro- prietary press con- trols specif- ically designed for the servo press achieve a variety of stroke lengths and slide- movement profiles, while supplying full working- energy capacity even at low speeds. Preprogrammed profiles include deep drawing, warm forming, sheet forming and feeding/automation. In addition, unique profiles can be created by the end-user—user-defined motion curves allow as many as 20 various segments in a cycle curve, defined by segment position,
speed and pause duration parameters.
Advanced Tonnage Monitor
Toledo Integrated Systems Booth 3332
ToledoIntegratedSystems,Holland,OH, introduces the PressWatch LS (rev. 2) series ton- nage monitor. The 10.4-in. color-touch PC presents tonnage infor- mation and resolver-based tonnage signatures right at the press. Enveloping and Critical Curve
Monitoring (CCM) are standard features. Interface the PressWatch LS monitor with the firm’s PressNet 5.0 web-based software for tracking alarms and man- aging information.
Business Protection
Sentry Insurance Booth 3217
Visitors to the Sentry Insurance (Stevens Point, WI) booth can learn about its business-insurance, employee- benefit and business-life programs. Among its employee-benefits and retire- ment programs: 401(k) and Safe Harbor, group life, dental, and short- and long-term disability insurance. Business-life plans include key-person protection, buy-sell pro- tection and business-debt and family- income protection. Also available at the booth: a fun golf game to test the skills of show attendees.
Closed-Loop Hybrid
Drive System
Voith Turbo H + L Hydraulic Booth 3257
Voith Turbo
H+L Hydraulic,
a German man-
ufacturer of
hydraulic sys-
tem solutions,
internal gear
pumps and
hydraulic con-
trols including
actuators and
operates U.S.
facilities in York,
PA, and Hous-
ton, TX. Its lat-
est development, on display for Fabtech attendees, is the CLDP self contained, closed loop, highly dynamic hybrid drive system. The CLDP can be operated via force, speed or position control. Appli- cations include the quick handling of work- pieces or machines for bending, sepa- rating, forming and punching processes.
MetalForming/October 2011 51