Page 8 - MetalForming February 2010
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engineers questions related to conveying speed, product transfers and other materi- al-handling topics.
Ohio Steel Processor
Upgrades its Oscillated-
Coil Capabilities
Specialty Strip & Oscil- lating, Inc., Masury, OH, has installed two new oscil- lators to improve its ability to provide oscillated coils of cold-rolled, low- or high-car- bon, alloy or stainless-steel strip and sheet. New oscil- lator capabilities include face sizes from 4 to 14 in., width from 0.260 to 2.5 in., gauge from 0.009 in., welds annealed and ground, slit or deburred, straight- patterned coil walls and coiled on steel liners, fiber cores or spools.
Customers now can run a coil uninterrupted for 10 to 15 times longer than with conventional ribbon-wound coils, say company officials, eliminating downtime, coil- end scrap loss, and coil telescoping and tangling.
Specialty Strip & Oscil- lating provides oscillate coils with 20 to 25 miles of continuous strip that weigh as much as 5000 lb.
Check Out
Version 2.0
Machine-tool online mar- ketplace released version 2.0 of its website, built on an open- architecture platform and loaded with new features. Visitors will note and appre- ciate improved search func-
tionality, more photos, video ads, a machine knowledge database and more.
Mayfran Launches
Updated Website
Mayfran Intl., Cleveland, OH, upgraded its website with more information on its products and systems— scrap-management systems for metal-stamping opera- tions, machine-tool chip and coolant systems, and more. It’s also added new application examples, including the use of a press-mounted shuffle drive for scrap removal at the press. The site,, is avail- able in multiple languages.
Vacuum Grippers,
Clamps and More
Featured on Website
Schmalz Inc., Raleigh, NC, has relaunched its updated website and online shop with expanded infor- mation about its vacuum products and application descriptions. Visit for a look at the firm’s vacuum automation components and systems for gripping, mate- rial handling and clamping. Look up prices and avail- ability in real time, view 2D and 3D images as well as video clips, and order prod- ucts and track order status from the online shop.
Browse Magnetic-
Products Catalog Online
Magnetic Products, Inc., Highland, MI, has launched a redesigned website that catalogs more than 1000 magnetic and nonmagnetic material-handling products.