Page 24 - MetalForming May 2010
P. 24

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tooling Technology ToolingUpdate
New 15-mm-Dia. Gas Spring Provides
Up to 154 lb. on Contact
New from Dadco, Plymouth, MI, is the Micro 70 nitrogen gas spring, available in stroke lengths from 7 to 125 mm and
with a 15-mm-dia. body and 7-mm- dia. rod. The spring provides force as high as 154 lb. on contact. It is the newest addi- tion to the firm’s Micro Series, which includes Micro 45 (12-mm dia.),
Micro 90 (19-mm dia.), Micro 180 (25- mm dia.) and Micro 250 (32-mm dia.) Dadco: 800/323-2687;
Wilson Tool Offers One-Day Lean Seminars
Now four years into its own success- ful lean initiative, Wilson Tool Intl., White Bear Lake, MN, has developed a one-day seminar at which its lean-man- ufacturing experts will offer practical advice for applying lean thinking in CNC punch press, press brake and stamping operations. Seminar topics include plan- ning Kaizen events, setting up lean cells, managing corporate culture and devel- oping 5S programs. Attendees also can
tour of Wilson Tool’s facility and witness the company’s lean initiatives at work.
Employees of the Energy Planning Associates Envirobrite Division, San- ford, FL, recently attended the seminar to learn how it might apply lean princi- ples to sheetmetal-fabrication opera- tions. The firm manufactures energy-effi- cient commercial lighting products.
“The most valuable thing we took away from the lean seminar was the use of visu- al aids and the example of the visual workplace that has been set up at Wilson Tool’s manufacturing facility,” says Dominick Cerce, Envirobrite engineering manager.”
Cerce and others also learned how Wil- son Tool has improved the flow of parts through its process by reorganizing its manufacturing facilities into workcells,
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