Page 48 - MetalForming May 2011
P. 48
New Products
New Line of Servo Presses
Stamtec, Inc., Manchester, TN, introduces its new CF1 series of servo presses, replacing the standard electric motor, flywheel and clutch/brake with a high-torque, low-RPM servo motor. Proprietary press controls designed specifically for the servo presses achieve a variety of stroke-length and slide-movement profiles, while sup- plying full working-energy capacity even at low speeds. This allows the user to per- form a variety of jobs in one press, such as drawing, restrike and warm forming, and easily adapt to automation and feed applications. In addition, user-defined motion curves allow as many as 20 various segments in a cycle curve, defined by slide posi- tion, speed, and pause duration parameters.
Stamtec: 931/393-5050;
Diamond Grinding and Cleaning Wheels Last 100 Times Longer than Resin-Bonded Wheels
CS Unitec, Inc., Norwalk, CT, introduces Eco Brazing (EB) Diamond Cluster grind- ing and cleaning wheels, which reduce sparking to as little as one percent of that produced by resin-bonded wheels, say company officials. Use the discs to grind and clean steel, stainless steel, aluminum, fiberglass and other materials in general indus- trial applications, as well as in hazardous environments in oil, gas, nuclear, mining, marine and other industries. Minimal sparking decreases the fire hazard from sparks while increasing workpiece visibility, for accurate grinding and cutting.
The EB Cluster wheels are designed to remove paint, rust and epoxy on metal, as
well as high mate- rial removal on fiberglass, com- posites and plastics with-
out loading up
as do tradi-
tional abrasives.
Available in 80 grit
and disc sizes 4-,
4.5-, 5-, 6- and 7-in. dia., the
discs’ light weight allows for high-rotation grinding with portable angle grinders. Maximum speed ranges from 8400 to 15,200 RPM, depending on diameter. CS Unitec, Inc.: 800/700-5919;
Flap and Fiber Discs for Metal Fabricating
Abrasive-product manufacturer Norton, Worcester, MA, a brand of Saint-Gobain, introduces a new lineup of Norton/Merit flap and fiber discs for right-angle grind-
ing, in three distinct levels of performance and price: SG Blaze Plus, NorZon Blue- Fire and Merit Metal. Flap discs are engineered for applications ranging from stock removal to blending and are avail- able in Type 27 and Type 29 shapes.
SG Blaze Plus discs feature ceramic- alumina abrasives and a durable, light- weight fiberglass back that provides high strength and vibration absorption. Blaze reportedly produces a cutting rate four times faster than standard alu- minum oxide discs.
BlueFire discs feature a new and improved blend of patented ceramic alu- mina and zirconia alumina abrasive, providing fast, aggressive cutting and which self-sharpens with use. The discs
MetalForming/May 2011