Page 49 - MetalForming September 2011
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Single Mode Yb:Fiber Laser Marker
Miyachi Unitek Corp., Monrovia, CA, offers a new 20-W single-mode fiber laser mark- er that reportedly yields a finer beam with a variety of advantages for marking, scrib- ing and cutting applications. The new LMF 2000-SM laser marker can produce fine lines and increases the mark working area. It also offers an increased depth of focus for marking on curved surfaces. The unit proves ideal for the scribing and cutting a variety of materials, including alumina, silicon, copper and aluminum foils.
Miyachi Unitek developed the new single-mode model in response to customer demand for fine marking of less than 30 microns, and for micromachining applications. Miyachi Unitek: 626/303-5676;
New Products
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Nozzle Unit Provides Cost-Effective Cleaning of Small Tanks and Totes
The new TankJet 75 fluid driven tank cleaner from Spraying Systems Co., Wheaton, IL, provides thorough impingement cleaning of small tanks without the expense of high- impact tank cleaners. The unit uses exter- nal gears to mini- mize nozzle speed for optimum impact and cleaning effi- ciency. Ideal for medium-impact cleaning of tanks, totes and inter- mediate bulk containers, the unit cleans
tanks as large as 30-ft. dia.
TankJet 75 features rotating solid
stream nozzles that complete a 360-deg. indexing pattern every 45 revolutions for complete coverage. Units are available with a two- or four-nozzle hub and can be mounted permanently or moved from tank to tank with ease.
Spraying Systems: 630/665-5000;
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