Page 15 - MetalForming January 2013
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we’ll leave that up to the managers. We need accountability, after all. And who’s to say you and your buddy won’t just engage in a “You give me one, I’ll give you one” free for all.
A properly structured recognition program must include an appropriate approval loop and real-time, easily viewed reporting. With these features in place (along with training and com- munications), there is no need to fear misuse of the system. Stop telling employees you want to recognize them out of one side of your mouth, while telling them you don’t trust them out of the other.
3) So we will undermine the pro- gram and ensure we don’t get the full benefits or bottom-line results by mak- ing peer-to-peer recognition only avail- able as an eThanks.
It wouldn’t cost much to open recog- nition to all employees (and it would certainly cost less than programs
proven to be a waste, such as Employ- ee of the Month or Perfect Attendance), but we’re willing to sacrifice the added benefits of increased employee engage- ment, retention and performance— rather than trust our employees.
A primary reason for implementing a strategic, social employee-recogni- tion program is to build a culture of appreciation. Kicking off a program designed and built on lack of trust undermines your efforts from the beginning.
What should you do instead? Imple- ment a true everyone-to-everyone recognition program and structure it so all employees are encouraged to express the value they see in the achievements and actions of their col- leagues. Include mechanisms to guide employees to the proper award level choice, and perhaps restrict manage- ment to providing the highest award levels. MF
Die Lifters
Human Capital
50-ton deep-draw forming press with infinitely adjustable closed loop multi- axis position and velocity control, touch screen HMI with recipe stor- age, proportional pressure control of ram, and joystick for manual control.
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Call Gene at 614-228-0185, ext. 231 for details and an eye-opening quote.
MetalForming/January 2013 13