Page 16 - MetalForming January 2013
P. 16
Software for Manufacturing
Vero Licenses Siemens’ D-Cubed 3D DCM for Modeling
Vero Software has licensed Siemens’ D-Cubed software for integration into its VISI product line. Vero Software selected the D-Cubed 3D Dimensional Constraint Man- ager (3D DCM) from Siemens PLM to provide users with a geometric constraint solv- ing capability. it integrated 3D DCM into VISI Modeling as part of its recent VISI v20 release.
The D-Cubed
component soft-
ware enables
VISI Modeling
users to apply
mating con-
straints (con-
centric, parallel,
coincident, dis-
tance, etc.) to
geometric bod-
ies and simu-
late the real movement of a progressive-die’s tool kinematics. This, in turn, enables users to check for collisions and validate a design proposal, particularly important for side-action slides and complex lifter mechanisms.
The D-Cubed family of software products constitute widely used technologies pro- viding 3D part and assembly modeling, editing and interoperability, 2D/3D parametric sketching, motion simulation, collision detection, clearance measurement and visu- alization functionality.
Also, Siemens PLM Software has introduced its RobotExpert software, a robotic- simulation and programming solution for small and medium-sized manufacturers that helps minimize downtime and increase throughput for shop-floor robots. RobotExpert supports industry applications such as pick-and-place, arc welding and finishing, by enabling the design, simulation, optimization and offline programming of robotic cells. Siemens:
Wright Tool Selects the “Right” ERP Provider
Hand-tool manufacturer Wright Tool Co., Barberton, OH, soon will implement new enterprise-resource-planning (ERP) software from Epicor, Dublin, CA. Says Wayne Sny- der, the firm’s director of engineering and quality control: “We’re looking forward to customer-relationship management (CRM) that will allow us to receive the most up- to-date information on orders, inventories and other vital tools to deliver beyond our customers’ expectations.” Wright Tool fabricates a complete catalog of tools includ- ing wrenches, screwdrivers and hammers.
Also, new from Epicor is a next-generation system-backup and recovery solution. Designed with small and midsized businesses in mind, the solution provides an alter- native to traditional backup and recovery solutions that, say company officials, can be overly complex and priced out of reach. With Epicor’s new solution, customers pay a minimal setup fee and a monthly fee based on the number of users. Additional fees are assessed only in the event that a customer needs the failover system brought online.
The solution is available to Epicor ERP, Epicor Vantage and Epicor Vista customers running Microsoft SQL Server. It utilizes proven technology, and all software and data are stored in a secure off-site Tier III data center. The turnkey solution encompasses
installation, configuration, monitoring and emergency response; a copy of the customer’s software version is stored online, and a software agent is installed on the user’s ERP server—a secure connection is made between the server and the Epicor data center to support data backup and failover.
Plex Launches Mobile Application
Plex Systems Inc., Troy, MI, provider of Plex Online cloud-based ERP for man- ufacturers, has launched SmartPlex, a service allowing users of Plex Online to access and manipulate data through a variety of mobile devices such as smart- phones, including those based on the iOS and Android operating systems. Designed to enhance connectivity of executives and other staff who benefit from accessing and inputting management-level infor- mation, data is presented via the app using displays optimized for the pres- entation capabilities of mobile devices. Initial applications supported: workflow, user support, corporate directory, expense tracking and contacts. The firm expects to roll out additional functionality once it
compiles and assesses user feedback.
SmartPlex provides an ideal combination of usability and util- ity in a secure, encrypted mes- saging form, extending the ability to man- age and main- tain an enter-
prise from anywhere using nearly any device. Using the same notification process that Plex Online uses to com- municate with desktop workstations, data and functionality are available regardless of platform and location. Plex:
14 MetalForming/January 2013