Page 30 - MetalForming July 2013
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25 Years of
keeps presses, lasers and other process- es humming after hours. We’re bringing in new high-powered ERP software platforms that are setting new stan- dards for the flow of information through our plants, with capabilities like integrated quality, capacity and inventory management.
We’re welcoming a completely new type of machines into our factories, such as servo-mechanical stamping presses and hot-stamping lines, next- generation hybrid and electric press brakes and turret presses and fast- cutting and efficient fiber lasers. New programming software for these machines improves usability and accuracy, even featuring 3D simula- tion and modeling to simplify pro- gramming and operation.
Press controls have continued to evolve, pushing press uptimes higher than ever before, while bringing PPM levels to all-time lows. Changeover times have dwindled, machinery throughput has skyrocketed and over- all costs related to safety and quality continue to shrink. All of this adds up to the unthinkable just a few years ago— that is, reshoring of work moved to China and other “low-cost countries” back to the United States. Our plants are leaner, greener and cleaner than ever before. We’re experts in optimizing measures like value-add per employee and inventory turns.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the metalforming industry and the technology on whose back it rides. In my January 2012 signed edi- torial I wrote:
“This is indeed a very exciting time for metalformers, as our industry undergoes a period of rapid and sig- nificant technology evolution.”
And that evolution continues, with no end in sight. As such, we remain committed, as we have been for the last 25 years as MetalForming maga- zine and the years before as Metal Stamping, to bringing forth the latest/ greatest technology to help our indus- try flourish—for the next 25 years, and beyond. MF
Press Controls For All Presses
One Source
One Solution
Toledo Integrated Systems
Press Pilot 150 Control
We Provide Solutions For...
Mechanical Presses Hydraulic Presses Forging Presses Transfer Presses
Maximizer TPC (Total Press Control)
Toledo Integrated Systems Toledo Transducers, Inc. 800-T-Toledo 419-867-4170
Servo Press Technology Experience
MetalForming magazine is offering
suppliers to the metalforming
industry an opportunity to reach
executives, engineers and
metalforming professionals, by sponsoring the Servo Press Technology Experience. The experience will include a series of three webinars and a live event in Chicago, IL on September 10, 2013.
To register or for more information,
please visit
Thank you to our sponsors:
6363 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, OH 44131 216/901-8800 | fax 216/901-9669 e-mail:
28 MetalForming/July 2013