Page 14 - MetalForming February 2014
P. 14
Tech Update
Camera Gauge Monitors Auto-Adjusting Spring Manufacturing
Newcomb Spring Corp.,
Decatur, GA, has devel-
oped a camera gauge
setup that provides pre-
cise, image-based length measurements, with data
recording and reportable
order details. The system
measures compression
springs during manufac-
ture, capturing and saving
a digital image of each
part and recording part dimensions. If part measurements approach maximum tolerance levels, software automatically triggers an adjustment in connected wire- coiling machinery, causing the equipment to recalibrate and comply more closely to nominal specifications. Upon order completion, a report and digital record is available for download. With its high- speed, automated operations, the New- comb Camera System allows the company
allowable tolerances. And, it allows us to export a full report of the order details. Customers have asked for more account- ability, as their designs and part applications become more complex. We can download a report showing every spring formed, and part-length data for each part.”
to efficiently
produce pre-
cise compres-
sion springs
and to provide
a complete production report, accounting for all parts manufactured.
With a high-resolution 10X macro cam- era lens, the system compares dimen- sional image data to a preset tolerance range and rejects parts falling outside of that range, sort- ing them into hold- ing bins. At the end of the run, Newcomb operators count rejected parts and compare the count to the system’s report, confirming all
Says Don Jacobson, Newcomb Spring chairman: “The system lets us compare parts to on-screen data, confirming that the springs are being manufactured within
data is correct.
Newcomb Spring Corp.: 770/981-1770;
12 MetalForming/February 2014