Page 58 - MetalForming August 2014
P. 58
10 Tips for
ERP Selection and Implementation
Here are a few tips and best practices to help manufacturers start their ERP initiatives off on the right track. Success is never guaranteed, but organizations that keep these and other best practices in mind are much more likely to succeed than those that don’t.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) selection and implemen- tation can be challenging for any industry. Faced with increasing pres- sure for high-quality and lower-cost production, the metalforming and fab- rication industry is no exception. In fact, according to research conducted by Panorama Consulting, most metal- forming and fabrication companies struggle in their ability to successfully implement ERP, despite the potential benefits of these systems.
While specific focus should be placed on manufacturing solutions, other components of an ERP imple- mentation project deserving atten- tion—to drive business optimization— include the supply chain, finance and sales.
Facing fierce competition, metal- forming companies must produce con-
Eric Kimberling is managing partner, Panorama Consulting Solutions, Den- ver, CO: 720/515-1377; www.panora-
sistent results with the flexibility to adjust for changing market conditions. Those who refuse to recognize that their manual processes risk succumb- ing to their own limitations risk being surpassed by others who readily acknowledge the need to remove inef- ficiencies and waste.
Due Diligence
Finding and deploying an ERP sys- tem can be a daunting task, as manu- facturers must select from a multitude of options within a moving target of software innovations. To avoid sched- uling delays, budget overruns or under- whelming results, emphasis should be placed on performing the required
amount of due diligence. Be prepared to navigate through the varying stages of an ERP project. Start by enlisting the help of employees who have previ- ous experience with ERP implemen- tations. Revealing the lessons learned behind earlier projects can minimize the likelihood of costly mistakes.
To prepare for your voyage into the world of ERP selection and implemen- tation, here we present 10 tips designed to help navigate what can become murky and wavy waters.
1) Select the right software, for the right reasons.
ERP software packages are built to accommodate a variety of business needs. The key is selecting the system
56 MetalForming/August 2014