Page 60 - MetalForming August 2014
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10 Tips for ERP Selection and Implementation
that works best with your organiza- tion’s unique priorities and objectives. In order to identify which will mesh sufficiently, companies must articu- late their processes and examine the requirements that must be met within the system. Fortunately, the metal- forming and fabricating industry pro- vides plenty of processes and require- ments from which to select. Examples include the ability to forecast manu- facturing lead times, visibility to pro- duction bottlenecks, and real-time equipment status and control. When performed correctly, ERP selection and implementation becomes focused on the business. Be wary of those who treat ERP initiatives merely as an IT project, or vendors who attempt to force-fit an application to their own software packages.
2) Gain executive buy-in and support.
With so much at stake, it is para- mount that company leadership con- sistently supports the efforts of the ERP initiative through regular communi-
cation and participation. The inability to advocate for an ERP project could diminish or even jeopardize the pro- ject’s success.
Executive support will help to reas- sure those involved in an ERP project of its direction and expectations. Project sponsors and decision makers who are dedicating the necessary resources to the project also must help to reinforce the importance of the ERP initiative. Demonstrating a unified leadership that readily champions the ERP strategy will help sustain momentum through- out the course of the project.
3) Build an “A-team.”
In order for an ERP project to func- tion at the highest levels, it must be fueled by the right people. Project teams typically consist of subject-mat- ter experts with the technical prowess and thorough understanding of the company’s unique operations.
While expertise is important, a diverse membership should be engaged to obtain a wide range of input
and ideas. Appointing the right people to the team also requires objective knowledge of the company’s culture.
A collaborative environment will support transparency without the fear of repercussions when providing con- structive feedback. Members of the project team also should carry influ- ence within their respective networks. As the project moves forward they can become change agents, garnering sup- port throughout the company and becoming role models for advocating change.
4) Understand the tradeoffs.
No one ERP system will meet 100 percent of a company’s desired busi- ness needs. Therefore, prioritize your business requirements to optimize the ERP strategy. Otherwise, your team will be trying to develop an optimal system without a blueprint to follow—a blue- print designed for optimum impact within each business unit.
Some packages offer distinct advan- tages over others. The team should gain
Special Opportunity— October 10
ERP Software Selection and Implementation Boot Camp
New to this year’s pro- gram is a half-day ERP Software Selection and Implementation Boot Camp, in partnership with Panorama Consulting So- lutions, providing targeted evaluation and selection guidance to help atten- dees narrow the field among the various op- tions in the market.
We would like to thank our sponsors:
The Manufacturing ERP ExperienceTM
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software-implementation projects.
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ERP-software implementation strategies, vendor selection, training and other critical topics.
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MetalForming/August 2014