Page 10 - MetalForming November 2014
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MetalForming/November 2014
Schuler's ServoDirect Technology is reliable and proven globally. Gain flexibility with increased output and improve part quality to get better results on the bottom line. The payback is in your future.
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Metal stamper Pridgeon & Clay Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, named Michael J. Alcala president, adding to his cur- rent role as chief operating officer. He succeeds long- time president Robert Edwin Clay, who becomes president emeritus.
News Fronts
Startup Metal Fabricator Offering Hands-On Training to Vets
from vacuum furnaces outfit- ted to handle small production lots and development work to a 24-ft.-car bottom furnace for processing large work loads.
Heattreater Expands
Services for Aluminum
The Veterans Manufactur- ing Institute (VMI), a startup company seeking to train U.S. military veterans in metal fab- ricating and business man- agement, seeks surplus machinery as well as cash donations to support its efforts. Once the group is trained, up and running, they will be given the donated equipment to start their own employee-owned fabrication shop. VMI founders then plan to repeat the process and open additional metal-fabrica- tion shops.
Omron Cuts the Ribbon
Al-Fe Heat Treating, Wadsworth, OH, has added glycol quenching to its list of NADCAP-accredited aluminum heattreat services. The process improves control over quenching speeds when com- pared to hot-water quenching, beneficial for parts with thin sections or wall thicknesses. Glycol quenching provides more even heat extraction, minimizing distortion to sheet- metal and stamped parts.
on New HQ in Illinois
Hoffman Estates, IL, is the home of the new Americas headquarters for Omron Automation and Safety, a Japanese-based manufactur- er of industrial-automation and safety products. The new facility includes a state-of-the- art automation center where customers can collaborate, test and explore application solutions featuring Omron robotics, electromechanical motion control, advanced sensing and safety products.
South Carolina
to Welcome New Heattreating/Furnace-
Reich Tool & Design, Inc., and Trinity Biomedical, Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI, named Michael San Filippo sales and marketing manager; the two companies share the same facility. Reich Tool also named Don Kucken design supervisor; the firm manufac- tures metal-stamping dies and performs contract machining.
Brazing Facility
Solar Atmospheres, Soud- erton, PA, announced plans to expand into the southeast United States by opening a vacuum-heattreating and fur- nace-brazing facility in Greenville, SC. The $15-million venture features 54,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space on a 14-acre site, and a facility-wide closed-loop water-cooling sys- tem. Furnace size will range
Metalworking-lubricant manufacturer Irmco, Evanston, IL, hired Michael Krocko to serve as a field technical engi- neer, and Michael Krueger as a sales engineer (based in Ann Arbor, MI) covering Michi- gan, northern Indiana and northern Ohio.