Page 12 - MetalForming November 2014
P. 12
Tech Update
The F-150’s Aluminum
Secret to Success: Heattreating
An expansion of the part- nership between Al-Fe Heat Treating, Saginaw, MI, and Ford forms the foundation of the 2015 Ford F-150. Al-Fe Heat Treating is investing millions of dollars in its Saginaw plant in part to process structural parts for the all-new military-grade aluminum alloy and high-strength steel F-150. The investment allows Al-Fe to perform the pre- cision air-quenching (PAQ) heat- treating process to the alu-
existing continuous age oven, to com- plete the artificial-aging process.
minum, which offers significant benefits, say company officials, compared to traditional quenching methods. The PAQ process provides the required mechanical properties while controlling and minimizing distortion.
To further enhance its service and support the end goal of eliminating unplanned downtime for Beckwood machine owners, Beckwood Press, St. Louis, MO, has introduced TechConnect— a remote connectivity system designed to offer complimentary offsite, factory-pro- vided diagnostics and troubleshooting of its hydraulic presses and Triform hydro-
Al-Fe also is partnering with Can-Eng International, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, to upgrade and customize the controls on Al-Fe’s continuous solution furnace, as well as build and install the PAQ system. In addition, Can-Eng will assist in adapting the con- figuration of the automated conveyors, delivering the parts immediately to Al-Fe’s
Says John Holifield, Al-Fe vice president of heat treating operations: “Precision air quenching is a process that allows automotive part manufacturers to build frames, engines and other parts out of alu- minum and steel, marrying the best of strength and lightweight design into one.” Al-Fe Heat Treating:
Remote Connectivity Spurs Press Uptime
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MetalForming/November 2014
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