Page 15 - MetalForming March 2015
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Company Liability
In addition, you may want to contact your attorney to dis- cuss potential issues and how to limit company liability. Items to discuss include accidents that occur at the corporate site due to poor/negligent maintenance, and accidents involving the use of a company car or truck. This may impact your weather-related decisions, result in new procedures or warrant a revision of your written policies.
Organizations Must Improve Their “Grade” on Talent Management
Posted to by Liam Ackland, president, NGA.NET North America
When asked to assess their talent-management skills, organ- izations give themselves a dismal grade: a C-, or a 1.5 grade- point average, according to a recent survey report from Deloitte.
Specifically, more than 2530 business and HR leaders evaluated their proficiencies on a number of “urgent” needs for the report, titled Global Human Capital Trends 2014: Engaging the 21st-Century Workforce. On the HR side, only 16 percent of survey participants say they’re fully prepared to take on leadership challenges, and a mere 20 percent indicate they’re ready to address demands related to global personnel and talent management, in addition to retention and engagement. Perhaps most telling, just 12 percent feel
confident in their HR analytics capabilities.
Overall, respondents from business departments gave even
more discouraging appraisals on nearly all of these essential functions. On the bright side, the latest report card is better than that for 2013, when organizations graded themselves with a D+.
Well, at least there’s room for improvement. And, a num- ber of leaders are heading in that direction, as 47 percent had planned to increase their HR investment in 2014.
That’s encouraging, especially if the investment helps tackle the analytics shortcomings. In fact, 54 percent of sur- vey participants say they’re “weak” when it comes to using analytics for recruitment and staffing. This is a recipe for failure.
The Power of Data and Analytics
The burden of proof within any modern organization rests within hard data. HR departments traditionally don’t put a heavy focus on technology and numbers/data, but there needs to be a change. As the Deloitte report notes, shifting demographics, technical advancements, globalization and new work arrangements mandate a re-engineering of “peo- ple strategies,” with analytics driving the transition. Many leaders are “refocusing HR as a ‘business contribution’ func- tion—a role that demands deeper skills in data and analyt- ics as well as MBA-level business capabilities,” it states. “The critical question is whether HR teams have the skills they
need to rise to the challenge.”
Human Capital
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