Page 16 - MetalForming March 2015
P. 16
Materials & Coatings
New Prehardened, Low-Carbon Steel Ideal for Short-Run Tooling
and focus on new technologies for casting, heattreating, forming, joining and coating. ALMMII is a non-profit organization founded by three partners, The Universi- ty of Michigan, The Ohio State University and EWI, an independent research and development organization based in Colum- bus, OH. It was selected last year to oper- ate LM3I, the Lightweight and Modern Materials Manufacturing Innovation Insti- tute, one of five institutes set up by the U.S. government to maintain America’s man- ufacturing leadership. Known as the National Network for Manufacturing Inno- vation, each institute has a particular focus. While LIFT accelerates technologies using lightweight metals, others will advance tech- nologies in power generation, digital man- ufacturing, additive manufacturing, pho-
A newly introduced P-20 mold-quality, free-machining steel, Marshalloy MQ/FM from Diehl Steel, Cincinnati, OH, is a pre-hardened alloy suitable for short-run tooling as well as plastic-injection-mold applications. Produced through a proprietary melting and refining process, the low-carbon steel reportedly shows superior cleanliness, polisha- bility, machinability, uniformity and hardenability.
Marshalloy MQ/FM is tested to rigorous standards to ensure uniformity of structure and exceptionally low inclusion levels, according to Diehl Steel officials, who also note that it is decarburization-free and stress-relieved, making it ideal for EDM processes. Pre- hardened to 262/321/BHN, the balanced composition ensures uniform cross-sectional hardness and maintains the specified hardness throughout the plate. Minimum varia- tion within any plate is 30BHN.
Replacing Mild with High-Strength Steel Yields a Lighter, Safer Farm Trailer, Garners University Prize
Marshalloy MQ/FM represents the latest offering from Diehl Steel, which supplies tool steel, alloy steel, proprietary CPM powder metal, mold steel, carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum products along with other metal-processing services. Focused on serv- ing rapid turn-around needs, the company typically ships in-stock items in 24 to 48 hours. Diehl Steel:
A lighter, safer chassis for an agricultural trailer, gained through replacement of mild steel with high-strength steel, has been named winner of the Swedish Steel Prize University Challenge 2014. The winning chassis reduces weight by more than 20 percent while improving safety. Two trail- er prototypes built for the end customer have demonstrated good performance and received positive reviews.
Materials Innovation Center Opens in Detroit to Spur Commercialization of Lightweight-Metal Technology
The winning chassis solution, developed by Manuel Genzor, a civil engineer from Spain, was adapted from a trailer chassis originally developed by the Spanish trail- er manufacturer Beguer, which in turn contacted the University of Zaragoza in northern Spain for help in testing chassis performance. Genzor, studying for a degree in civil engineering, became interested in the project and used it for his thesis. With Sergio Sanchez from Beguer as his men- tor, Genzor tested replacing mild steel parts in the chassis with Domex 700 MC high-strength steel.
The American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ALMMII) has opened its new 100,000 sq.-ft. innovation acceleration center in Detroit, exhibiting new technologies that use lightweight metals and announcing its new program name, LIFT —Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow.
The $148 million center is designed to facilitate partnerships among major research institutions and manufacturers to accelerate the transfer of new manufacturing tech- nology from the research lab to the production floor. It will work with lightweight mate- rials such as aluminum, magnesium, titanium and advanced high-strength steel alloys
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tonics and advanced composites.