Page 15 - MetalForming May 2015
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body. This eliminates shear points and promises to eliminate concerns with down- time due to broken shafts.
ductivity and accuracy at high cutting speeds. Its dynamic motion system report- edly achieves acceleration and traverse speeds comparable to those from linear- drive motion systems.
ing to Amada officials. Increased distance between the tooling and greater stroke length provides a larger processing area, enabling deep-box bending and easing part extraction.
Among noted control features accom- panying the new feed line:
The HG 1003 dual servo-powered (DSP) press brake features a newly enhanced, highly rigid frame with a larger open height than other machines in its class, accord-
Weaver Fab & Finishing also announced plans to move into a new 46,000-sq.-ft. facility.
• Scalable control-hardware architec- ture, with the ability to add additional axes or remote IO. Controls are based on the Bosch Rexroth Indradrive MLD, with Ser- cos III communication.
• Built-in press simulator software, so that the feeder can be tested without the involvement of press or dedicated hardware simulator
Tech Update
• Open software architecture and the ability to use any customer platform— Siemens, Allen Bradley, etc.
• Press feed-angle monitoring and measuring
• Feed-length micro adjustment, and feed-position tracking in manual, setup and auto mode
• Die-friction monitoring
• Anti-jam detection for feeding and threading
• Feed speed and acceleration opti- mization—With the measured press speed and feed angle, by pressing one button the operator can obtain the optimal speed and acceleration so that, with the current feed length, more than 90 percent of the feed angle will be used.
Colt Automation:
Fab Shop Adds
Fiber-Laser Cutting
Machine, Press Brake
Weaver Fab & Finishing, Akron, OH, a precision metal fabricator and powder coater, has installed an Amada FLC 3015 AJ 2-kW laser-cutting machine equipped with an Amada ASLUL 300 six-shelf auto- mated material-handling system. The ASLUL tower conserves floor space since it occu- pies space directly above the laser’s shut- tle table. Weaver also added to its shop an Amada HG 1003 servo-hydraulic press brake.
The FLC 3015 AJ, capable of cutting numerous material types including brass, copper and titanium, features a flying- optics design that promotes optimum pro-
MetalForming/May 2015 13